Charby the Vampirate: Difference between revisions

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m (Dai-Guard moved page Charby the Vampirate (Webcomic) to Charby the Vampirate over redirect: Remove TVT Namespaces from title)
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* [[Badass Adorable]] Sure, they could kill us. But they're so CUTE!
* [[Badass Longcoat]] Victor, and his boss Blaine
* [[Battle in Thethe Center of Thethe Mind]]
* [[Blood Lust]]
* [[Beautiful All Along]]: Subverted.
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* [[Crashing Dreams]]: Several times.
* [[Cute Witch]]: Mye, natch.
* [[Defeat Byby Modesty]]: "Looks like you came out on top after all!" -Adria
** More like "attempted defeat by modesty", as Mye is unwilling to get killed just to preserve her decency.
* [[Deus Angst Machina]]: Charby recounts the tale of his first girlfriend and the events that lead to him devouring her and her entire village by accident, to a lovelorn Zeno.
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* [[Girls Have Cooties]]: "Eek you have girl hair!"
* [[Good Angel, Bad Angel]]: An Alp's good angel isn't that good.
* [[Grievous Harm Withwith a Body]]: Well, now he's unarmed!
* [[Grotesque Cute]]: She's not really THAT kind of zombie... Mannick likely qualifies with the portal full of arms and teeth on his belly, which he pulls his hats out of.
* [[Heroic Sociopath]]: Nearly all of the guys in the cabin.
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* [[Psychic-Assisted Suicide]]
* [[Pull a Rabbit Out of My Hat]]
* [[Punished Withwith Ugly]]: Inflicted by Kavonn.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old]]: About everyone in the cabin that looks like a kid but really isn't, save for Phineas who is a teen,(for his species since he's 10 years old) and Tony who is full grown for an Alp, just short like a dwarf as Alps tend to be.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: The artist, who represents the ganglion cyst in her drawing hand as a demonic possession. It gives her bad ideas.
* [[Sanity Has Advantages]]: Charby doesn't mess around.
* [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]]: Mm, mm, Bad!
* [[Show Some Leg]]: Attempted (and failed) [ here]
* [[The Man Is Sticking It to Thethe Man]]: Hector lives and breathes this trope
* [[Third Line, Some Waiting]]: Considering the hugeness of the cast, most of the plot threads (especially the one's that only relate to a single character) progress at a snail's pace.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: See [[Catch Phrase]] above.