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* Subverted by ''[[Married... with Children]]'' when Al Bundy uses a mistakenly issued senior citizens discount card to get in, and eventually win, the senior olympics, beating out an honest competitor who had refused to do the very thing Al was in the process. [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] at episode's end with the narration "I bet you thought Al was going to let the old guy win. Well then you haven't been paying attention these past years."
** With Al himself giving the [[Broken Aesop]] [[Not Cheating Unless You Get Caught|"It's only cheating, if you get caught."]]
* ''[[The Brady Bunch]]'': The fifth-season episode "Quarterback Sneak" deals with the ethics of cheating and thwarting cheaters. Here, Greg, quarterback of the Westdale High football team, suspects that Marcia's new boyfriend, Jerry Rogers (the quarterback from rival Fairview High), is out to steal his team's playbook as his team is struggling to find a way to beat Westdale at the latter's homecoming. After a failed attempt to swipe the playbook during his first visit to the Bradys, Jerry invites himself over again and succeeds in the theft. Greg -- insteadGreg—instead of reporting to his coach the first theft attempt (especially since Bobby had seen Jerry try to steal the playbook, and thus would have been a reliable witness) -- had prepared by creating a phony playbook. The boys laugh about how they've "put one over Jerry," but Mike overhears the boys' revelry and brings them down to earth by saying what he's done was just as dishonest and was unfair to the Fairview players and coaches who were playing by the rules. Eventually, the Fairview High coach finds out about Jerry's theft and kicks him off the team; it is not known what, if anything, happens to Greg ... although he is able to lead Westdale to a 20-7 victory.
* Game shows have had more than their share, but one lesser known example comes from the 1980-1981 NBC game show ''Las Vegas Gambit'', a Q&A-type game married to blackjack hosted by Wink Martindale. In an episode that pitted male-female teams of people previously strangers to each other, Martindale asks the question, "From what direction does the east wind blow -- east to west or west to east?" The team answers, "West to east," which Martindale momentarily doesn't hear, and asks the team to repeat their answer. Perhaps realizing they gave a wrong answer, they try to change it to "east to west," but the off-stage judge -- havingjudge—having heard the original response -- signalsresponse—signals to Martindale, who immediately snaps at them to repeat their first answer ... which they sheepishly do. To date, it is one of the only times Martindale has been upset (albeit briefly), and even that incident was quickly forgotten. The episode in question, by the way, originally aired in the summer of 1981, and was rerun on November 27 of that year ... the show's last broadcast day. (Incidentally, that airing is far better known for Martindale appearing -- duringappearing—during the show's final act -- inact—in a box, announcing that the show had been canceled and that ''The Regis Philbin Show'' would take over the following Monday.)
== [[Professional Wrestling]] ==
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** The chapter book ''Scout's Honor'' provides another contest between Timmy and Remy, with [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money|the latter cheating using his money]]. It's thanks to Cosmo and Wanda exposing Remy's cheating that Timmy wins the bet.
* The bullies at the end of ''[[Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown]]'' use some really nasty tricks (even life-threatening to the Peanuts gang), but at the end can't reach the finish line due to their raft sinking.
* Mertle from ''[[Lilo and Stitch: The Series]]'' does this constantly through every contest she and Lilo are in and actually manages to get away with it in some cases. In a dog show contest, she sabotaged Stitch's water by placing caffeine in it (if you saw the movie you know what it does to Stitch}) and ended up winning the contest. But conceded the trophy because the duo helped rescue her dog (actually an experiment) from Gantu. Another case was that she used an experiment against Lilo (not that Lilo didn't use it first) and once again won, but she overbinged on the prize (a supply of sno cones) making it a case of [[Was It Really Worth It?|Not Worth It]]. The trope is play straight during a quiz contest between their two families, Mertle uses one of her friend to feed her the answers through a earpiece. Lilo finds out halfway though the contest and uses the a experiment at the time to incapacitate Mertle's helper. Come next round Mertle's on her own and promptly loses.
* In an episode of ''[[South Park]]'', Cartman pretends to be mentally handicapped in order to enter the Special Olympics. Unfortunately for him, he's not actually athletic and comes in dead last.
** In the same episode, Jimmy uses steroids to win, and then because of what Cartman does he gives up his medal (given to him by a group of steroid-abusing athletes). He then gives a [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] about why people who use steroids are terrible people, while Barry Bonds grins in the background.
