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Import from TV Tropes TVT:PlayingWith.ChestMonster 2012-07-01, editor history TVTH:PlayingWith.ChestMonster, CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported license
Import my Justified edit to the TV Tropes page circa March 2013
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** The entire dungeon is a mimic.
** A minor [[Heal Thyself|recovery item]] is a mimic.
* '''Justified''':
* '''Justified''':* The monster was created through unnatural means in order to deter thieves.
** An ordinary monster just needed a secure place to sleep and felt threatened when, from its perspective, someone broke into its home.
* '''Inverted''':
** A monstrous looking enemy... turns out to be a statue made from pure gold.
** The cavern is littered with chests full of heavy, cumbersome gold, which is reducing your speed stat and really getting in the way of finding that elusive monster.
* '''Subverted''': A treasure chest seems suspicious, but is completely normal.
* '''Double Subverted''': ...Until you remove the treasure, revealing the monster ''underneath''.
* '''Parodied''': The chest, the door, your sword, the roof, the floor, the walls... your clothes! Turn out to be [[Everything Trying to Kill You|after your]] [[Eight 8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|tasty nutrinol rich flesh]].
* '''Deconstructed''': The chest monsters went extinct the moment they started bringing in means to check for them or simply changed the design of their chests.
* '''Reconstructed''': ...except in dungeons where they were used as security measures.
* '''Zig Zagged''': There are monsters disguised as treasure chests. But some of them are standing out in the open in their monster form, making their disguise useless. However, it turns out that all the living chests actually contain really valuable treasure. When you chase one down, it hides itself in a room of normal treasure chests, and you have to find the disguised monster in the middle of all the chests to get the loot. And all the normal, non-monster chests in the room are booby-trapped with explosives.
* '''Zig Zagged''': The chest is completely normal... Except that there's a monster ''inside''! ...Except the monster is dead, as it either starved or suffocated... Except that it still doesn't stop it from attacking you.
* '''Averted''': EvenThere thoughare anno NPCmonsters warndisguised youas thattreasure thereor mightother behelpful [[Chestitems Monster|Chestin Monsters]]the inside, there aren't anygame.
* '''Enforced''': The development team wanted a [[Nintendo Hard]] game, so they made many helpful-looking objects become harmful monsters.
* '''Lampshaded''': "Did that chest just lick its lips--?!" "Don't be silly; chests don't have lips...!"
* '''Invoked''': Emperor Evulz uses his magic to create powerful monsters that look like ordinary treasure chests, then scatters them throughout the various dungeons and caves of the realm. Why...? [[For the Evulz|Why not?]]
* '''Exploited''': Instead of slaying the creature, [[Fluffy Tamer|the hero decides to tame it]]. That way it could become a guardian of important treasures and / or powerful trap [[Death Byby Materialism|for greedy enemies]].
* '''Defied''': "This thermal imaging camera will make sure whatever you try to pick up isn't some weird animal."
* '''Discussed''': "Will this be like one of those RPGs where every other item you get is an enemy in disguise?"