Chibi Avatar: Difference between revisions

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* [[Butt Monkey]]: Sokka, not that this is a huge shift. In ''Bending Battle'', Aang, Toph and Katara all use him as a dummy to show off their powers, and in ''Swamp Skiing'', well...
* [[Chibi]]
* [[Convection, Schmonvection]]: Zuko riding on a lava dragon.
* [[Didn't See That Coming]]: Zuko, when Katara reveals who she's going to the dance with: {{spoiler|his [[Rule of Funny|alter-ego]], the Blue Spirit}}.
* [[DVD Bonus Content]]: As noted above, the shorts were originally released as DVD Extras.
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* [[Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors]]: Parodied - ''Bending Battle'' starts with the scene pictured above.
{{quote| "What's ''that'' supposed to be, Sokka?"<br />
"This is [[Precision -Guided Boomerang|BOOMERANG!]]" }}
* [[The Face of the Sun]]: Seen at the beginning of ''Bending Battle'' and ''Swamp Skiin' Throwdown''.
* [[Face Palm]]: For all of the failed attempts at winning their love interest in ''School Time Shipping''.