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** The Penguin only kidnaps the rich boy first-borns and ignores the girls because he's pissed at how his own parents abandoned him when ''he'' was a kid (he himself having been born to a rich family). His plan was to make all of Gotham suffer because of what his parents did to him.
* ''[[Max Keeble's Big Move]]'': Principal Jindrake plays this part real good, who he sees as acne-scarred riff raff.
{{quote| " Here they come, With their pimples and their braces..., and their rickets and their lice, Their snot-nosed, baggy-pantsed..., high-pitched,squealing voices."}}
* [[The Baroness]] in ''[[The Sound of Music]]'': "Darling, haven't you ever heard of a delightful little thing called boarding school?"
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|The Cat Shepherd]] and [[Must Have Caffeine|Moka]], in ''[[Nocturna]]''. The Cat Shepherd is a non-villainous example, who finds kids to be ''really'' annoying, but slowly warms up to Tim. Moka meanwhile, {{spoiler|is also a non-villainous example, as it was part of act to goad Tim into journeying across Nocturna and confront [[Living Shadow|the Shadow]]}}.
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* ''[[I.M. Meen]]'', although he apparently only traps 'goody-goodies' and 'bookworms' in his labyrinth...which you one can only escape if you're clever. ?!
* ''[[Drakengard]]'', as shown in [[The Dark Id]]'s [[Let's Play]]. Especially in the multiple endings.
{{quote| "Did I mention this game isn't family friendly? Well, it's not family friendly. Indeed, I cannot think of a video game that hates children more than ''Drakengard''."}}
** He ain't kidding, by the way. Enemies include [[Child Soldier|conscripted child soldiers]] whom you can, and in some cases must kill. Your party is led by [[Sociopathic Hero|a sociopath who kills anything that moves]], an almost tragic pedophile, and an [[Ax Crazy]] [[Eats Babies|child eating elf]] as well as an [[Sarcasm Mode|amazingly lucky]] cute little boy. ''Together, they are the perfect child killing team!''
** He later expands this to "Cavia <ref>The developers of Drakengard</ref> Hates Children" in [[Gaiden Game]] ''[[Nie R]]''; {{spoiler|the mooks that Nier's been carving through? They're actually the souls of humans. On his path to save Yonah, Nier cuts down [[A Boy and His X|A Boy And His Robot]], children wandering around the field and even ''babies'' in the final dungeon.}}
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* ''[[The Sims]] 3'': One of the traits you can give Sims is "Dislikes Children". This is a slightly more realistic example in that Sims who Dislike Children usually won't torment or antagonize them unless they're also Evil or Mean-Spirited; they just don't like being around kids or talking to them.
* Guillo of ''[[Baten Kaitos]] Orgins'', with the possible exception of Sagi's "siblings", due to children thinking Guillo is a toy and abusively "playing" with [[No Biological Sex|Guillo]] and partly because Guillo seems to dislike everyone except Sagi (Guillo also claims [[Kids Are Cruel]] is part of it).
{{quote| Guillo: Blasted parasites! I will eat you all!<br />
Kid: Yay! Eat me first!<br />
Guillo: *sigh* }}
* Dr. Suchong from ''[[Bioshock]]'' is definitely one of these. Unforunately, he also had to work with them constantly, being in charge of the creation of the [[Creepy Child|Little Sisters]] and bonding them to [[Papa Wolf|Big]] [[Lightning Bruiser|Daddies]].
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* Maddox of ''[[The Best Page in The Universe]]''.
* Yahtzee of ''[[Zero Punctuation]]'' has made it clear that he finds children annoying.
{{quote| "I do despise kids, seriously I don't think you quite grasp how much I loathe children, given three wishes I'd ask for a puppy, a decent chip sandwhich and [[Dead Baby Comedy|for every child-bearing womb on the planet]] [[Crosses the Line Twice|to pop out and fly away like a cheery parade of greasy red balloons.]]"}}
* If her "Babysitters Club" review was any indication, [[The Nostalgia Chick]] both loathes and fears kids.
* It's basically become a stereotype that all internet personalities hate children.