Chinese Mythology: Difference between revisions

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* '''Xi Wang Mu''', Queen Mother of the West: Rules from the sacred Mount Kunlun. She is a guide to all Daoists, but in particular she guides women who wish to become immortals.
* '''Nüwa''': The serpent goddess who created humanity and saved mankind from many a catastrophe. Nüwa used yellow clay from a water bed to mould the first humans. These humans were very smart and successful since they were individually crafted. Nüwa then became bored of individually making every human by hand so she improved by putting a rope in the water bed. The small drops of clay that fell from it became more humans, not as smart as the first, i.e. the lower classes.
* '''Fuxi''': Nuwa's husband, and sometimes [[Brother -Sister Incest|twin brother]]. A god of agriculture and learning, he was also the First Sovereign of China who laid down laws for the new humans to live by.
* '''The Eight Immortals''': Eight people from across China's social make-up: beggars, nobles, men and women - who all became immortal and are known for celebrating raucously. They are an exception to the 'Celestial Bureaucracy' part of being deities: they hold no official positions.
* '''Sun Wukong''': Also known as the Monkey King; the star of ''[[Journey to The West]]'', a tale (loosely) based on the journey of Xuanzang, a Tang dynasty Buddhist monk who went to India to get sacred scrolls.
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** [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: Usually wears a dress of lotus leaves, a red Chinese bra, and a collar of flower petals. He also fights with a ribbon called the Sky Muddling Damask.
* '''Chang-E''': A goddess who lives on the moon, thanks to her eating a pill of immortality meant for her husband Houyi.
* '''Huang Di''': The Yellow Emperor, and supposed ancestor of all modern ethnic Chinese. He was something of a [[Science Hero]], teaching the people how to build shelters, tame wild animals and grow the five Chinese cereals. He also invented carts, boats, clothing, the guqin, the diadem, palace rooms, the bow sling, astronomy, the calendar, calculations, sound laws, [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|football]], and wrote the Inner Canon on internal medicine that all traditional Chinese medicine was based on. He commissioned Cang Jie to create the first Chinese characters, and his main wife Leizu taught people how to weave silk from silkworms and dye clothes.
* '''Guan Yu''': The god of war and business, originally a general from the [[Romance of the Three Kingdoms|Three Kingdoms]] period. It is an interesting thing that both policemen and criminals pray to Guan Yu.
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