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In many fiction, despite the portrayal of Christians as Catholics, most [[The Bible|Bible]] [[As the Good Book Says...|quotations]] will be from the King James Version, a ''Protestant'' translation. Everything just sounds way more "[[Hollywood Apocrypha|biblical]]" [[Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe|with thee's and thou's]] (although Catholics have the Douay-Rheims, an English translation which came at about the same time). Still, the King James renderings are much more familiar in a highly "Protestant-by-default" culture. Psalm 23, for example, is usually rendered the "KJV way" ("The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.") even among English-speaking Catholics.<ref>The Douay rendering is "The Lord ruleth me: and I shall want nothing." Also, a different division of chapters makes it the twenty-''second'' psalm.</ref>
This trope doesn't seem to apply to [[The Western|Westerns]], where any minister (or "preacher") will generally be a black-coated Evangelical Lutheran or Methodist type, when he isn't a Quaker or a Mormon. However, if the film shows the padre of a [[Useful Notes/Mexico|Mexican]] village, this trope will be played straight. It may also appear as part of an [[Establishing Shot]] for other traditionally Catholic places such as Italy or France. Black churches are almost always depicted as Baptist or Pentecostal (although some of the earliest black Americans in colonial times were Catholic/Voodoo practitioners from the French West Indies), as are white [[Deep South|Southern]] churches (the one exception being [[New Orleans]], home to the largest Catholic diocese in the US). And, of course, the ''upper-class'' [[White Anglo Saxon Protestant]], usually residing in the tonier precincts of [[Hollywood New England]] and belonging to a sufficiently venerable "mainline" church, is a stock character of long standing.
If the writers want to use a generally Catholic depiction, but get around the pesky celibacy issue, they'll use an Episcopal priest (which, in the immortal words of [[Robin Williams]], is "Catholic Lite"), they could also use an Eastern Catholic priest, a branch of Catholicism which allows married men to become priests (not the other way around tho') but since Eastern Catholics are found mostly in parts of Eastern Europe and the Middle East, not many people know about them. Or for something else vaguely similar but non-Catholic they could use an Orthodox priest, who are often forgotten to exist ''at all''.