Christine (King novel): Difference between revisions

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* [[Downer Ending]]: {{spoiler|Arnie and his parents are dead, along with eight other people. Dennis has broken up with Leigh. Christine is STILL OUT THERE}}.
* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: Taken to new extremes by Christine.
* [[Everyone Has Standards]]: In the movie George LeBay comes off as just [[Adaptational Villainy|as much of a]] [[Jerkass]] as his brother Roland. Even a[[Composite Character|doptingadopting his mannerisms.]] However when he mentions the story to Dennis regarding Rita LeBay's death, he sounded disgusted at both Roland and Christine's part of it. Even mentioning that he managed to successfully convince Roland to get rid of the car "For decency." [[The Cat Came Back|Of course the car came back 3 weeks later.]]
* [[Feud Episode]]: First there was Christine. Leigh came later.
* [[Finger-Twitching Revival]]: Or, in this case, a chrome-twitching revival.
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* [[Sweater Girl]]: Leigh.
* [[Switching POV]]: The first part is narrated by Dennis, the second part is told by an omniscient third-person narrator and mostly focuses on Arnie, and the third part is narrated by Dennis again.
* [[Tempting Fate]]: In the movie. When Moochie sees the fully restored Christine the first thing he asks, who he assumes is Arnie in the driver seat [[Ask a Stupid Question|if he's mad]]. Christine's response? [[Glowing Eyes of Doom|Flashing her headlights]] at him and [[Car Fu|trying to run him off the road.]]
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]: Arnie.
* [[Vehicle Title]]