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'''Christmas Rushed''' is the practice of rushing a product's development in order to coincide with a major holiday shopping rush (like Christmas, naturally). It often happens to highly hyped products, products made by big-name developers, or products that are part of a [[Cash Cow Franchise]] or tie into something already currently successful.
It can also apply to any product that is rushed for release by a certain date, or in time for a certain event (such as the deadline for an award nomination or convention appearance). Whatever the case, the fact that the product was rushed often leads to a poorly made product. [[The Problem with Licensed Games]] and [[Porting Disaster]] usually occurs due to this, as the developers are rushed to have the game released at the same time as the licensed property's premiere/launch/kickoff.
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'''Centauri''': "Return the money! Are you delirious? Do you know how long it took to invent the games? To merchandise them? To get them in the stores by Christmas?" }}
* ''[[Last Action Hero]]'' was rushed to open for the 1993 big summer movie season, to the point that post-production on the film was only finished a few weeks before its initial release.
* ''[[Cloverfield]]'' had to be rushed into production (which started in August 2007) to be ready in time for its stone-set date of January 18th18, 2008 (the trailer, which was released a month earlier, came out while the film was still in pre-production).
* [[Steven Spielberg]] rushed ''[[Munich]]'' into production and post-production in just five months so he could open it in time for Oscar qualifying. Though the film was a box-office disappointment (due to advertising not being ready until two weeks before opening), it did get some Oscar nominations.
* Oliver Stone had to rush the production of ''W.'' (which began development in late 2007 and began filming in April 2008) so he and Lionsgate could have it out before the 2008 election (the original plan was to release it in January 2009 to get more post-production work done but Lionsgate was wanting Oscar nominations so it was moved up).
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* ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (video game)|Sonic the Hedgehog 2006]]'' was rushed: '''A.''') for a Christmas release, and '''B.''') to mark it as [[Milestone Celebration|the 15th anniversary]] of ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]''. The result was an [[Obvious Beta]], widely considered the worst entry in the entire ''Sonic'' franchise.
** ''[[Sonic the Hedgehog 2]]'' was also rushed, causing the loss of five planned Zones (one, Genocide City, was turned into a third act for Metropolis Zone). Despite that, it wound up on the opposite end of the spectrum and is considered one of the best ''Sonic'' games produced.
** The same also goes for its sequel, ''Sonic 3'', where the developers were simply too ambitious for both their time limits and the limitations of the system they were making the game for, so the game had to be split into two, the first part being released on February 2nd2, 1994, or ''"Hedgehog Day"'', and the second part, ''Sonic & Knuckles'', released eight months later, allowing players to combine the two parts to play the two back-to-back as ''[[Sonic 3 and Knuckles]]''.
** And ''[[Sonic Spinball]]'', which was a holdover for until ''[[Sonic 3 and Knuckles|Sonic The Hedgehog 3]]'' got released.
* ''[[Enter the Matrix]]'' was rushed so that the release would coincide with ''[[The Matrix]] Reloaded''.
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* An odd example occurs with the ''[[Call of Duty]]'' series, as [[Executive Meddling|Activision]] orders their various studios to have games ready by Veterans Day.
* ''Car Tycoon'' was literally Christmas Rushed for Christmas 2001. It ended up not simply having a few bugs, but being borderline unplayable, something that even two bugfixes couldn't repair. For example, the cars sold by the competing companies clogged the streets so it became impossible to even deliver new cars to the stores because the number of cars in the game, their lifespan, and the overall length of the streets were badly balanced.
* ''[[Golden Sun: Dark Dawn]]'''s questionable writing quality is blamed by several fans on the game being [[Christmas Rushed]]. This is supported by the later-released European version clearing up several awkward comments compared to the American version.
* ''[[World of Warcraft]]'''s Cataclysm expansion, despite Blizzard's insistence otherwise, is a case of this.
* ''[[Mario Kart]] 7'' [ was released as an emergency] to improve the catalogue of the Nintendo 3DS for Christmas 2011. (so much that they had to request [[Retro Studios|a company]] which Nintendo frequently gave tight deadlines on [[Metroid Prime|their own games]] to complete it)
