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However, they soon discover that the gifts they have been granted may be drawing out their darker and more dangerous sides...
For a movie with a similar plot, see [[Akira (Manga)|Akira]].
=== ''Chronicle'' contains examples of: ===
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* [[Arc Words]]: "You're stronger than this." First said by Andrew's mother to reassure him. Given an [[Ironic Echo]] at the end, after Andrew {{spoiler|[[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope|goes off the deep end]].}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Don't tell Andrew what to do. And GET AWAY FROM HIM.
* [[Big Man Onon Campus]]: Steve.
* [[Bittersweet Ending]]: {{spoiler|Matt defeats Andrew before he can cause any more damage, but several people have been killed, including Steve, and we are left with the lingering sense that Andrew's downfall could have been prevented.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Black Dude Dies First]]}}: {{spoiler|Steve is killed 3/4 through the movie, becoming the first character to die. It's implied that Andrew did it, possibly unintentionally.}}
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* [[Calling the Old Man Out]]: Andrew's constantly quarreling with his [[Jerkass]] father.
* [[Car Fu]]: {{spoiler|During the final fight, Andrew hits Matt with a telekinetically thrown bus.}}
* [[Caught Onon Tape]]: To be expected. It is implied that Andrew bought the first camera so his alcoholic father won't beat him for fear of this. {{spoiler|It doesn't stop him and Andrew never does anything with the footage}}.
* [[Character Development]]: Matt goes from {{spoiler|standing around and telling Steve to be careful when Steve dives into the raging river to save the guy in the car Andrew crashed, to unhesitatingly rescuing Richard when Andrew drops him.}}
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Andrew explains how his father used to be a firefighter. {{spoiler|Andrew wears his father's old firefighting gear during a string of robberies, the last of which ends in a fiery explosion at a gas station}}.
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* [[Comic Book Movies Don't Use Codenames]]: Andrew refers to himself as an "Apex Predator" {{spoiler|during his rampage}}, which is the closest any of the super powered characters get to using an alias.
* [[Coming of Age Story]]: [[X Meets Y|With superpowers!]]
* [[Composite Character]]: Andrew shares several similarities with {{spoiler|[[Akira (Manga)|Akira]]'s Tetsuo. Both being angsty teenagers that gain telekenetic powers and [[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity|end up going mad with them.]]}} His personality also seems to be modeled after the profiles of {{spoiler|real life high school murderers, e.g. the Columbine kids}}.
* [[Dawson Casting]]: All of the leads are in their 20's.
* [[Death Byby Irony]]:
** {{spoiler|Andrew saves Steve's life in the airplane incident... only to accidentally (?) kill him in the thunderstorm scene.}}
** {{spoiler|Andrew styles himself an "apex predator". He is [[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice]] with a spear from a statue representing a tribal hunter.}} Really, he brought it onto himself.
* [[Deconstruction]]:
** Of teens gaining superpowers.
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''' {{spoiler|Matt to Andrew before killing him}}''': Don't make me do this! }}
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]: Richard seems to have a shitty enough life for it.
* [[Drunk Onon the Dark Side]]: {{spoiler|Andrew in the final showdown}}.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: [[Buffy-Speak|The stone...plant...thing]] that gives the boys their powers has difinite shades of this. Interferes with technology? Check. Mysterious? Check. [[Reality Warper|Inexplicable powers over reality?]] Check.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas]]: {{spoiler|Andrew's mother}} is seemingly the only person he shows affection towards, and, conversely, the only person who seems to truly care for him.
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* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Matt says this word for word after {{spoiler|killing Andrew.}} Foreshadowed when {{spoiler|Andrew himself dismisses Matt with a "You do what you have to do" when the latter is threatening to stop him from abusing his powers.}}
* [[Ill Girl]]: Mrs. Detmer.
* [[Impaled Withwith Extreme Prejudice]]: The final fate of {{spoiler|Andrew}}, to stop his rampage.
* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Richard wordlessly barges into Andrew's room and slaps him out of his seat [[Establishing Character Moment|in his first onscreen scene]]. He rationalizes it by screaming that Andrew should "open the door when I say so". This goes to demonstrate how Richard's [[The Alcoholic|drinking problem]] has rendered him increasingly detached from reality, and it foreshadows what he says to Andrew during the {{spoiler|hospital scene.}}
* [[Interface Screw]]: The strange object causes the camera to behave erratically.
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* [[Jerkass Victim]]:
** It's easy not to feel too bad when {{spoiler|Andrew rips the bully's teeth out, kills the street thugs, or nearly murders his abusive father.}}
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Jerk]]: When Richard {{spoiler|comes to see an injured Andrew in the hospital}}, he starts crying by his bedside. Seems like he actually feels bad about what happened to his son. We then find out {{spoiler|he's crying because Andrew's mom died}}, and proceeds to blame Andrew for it.
* [[Jittercam]]: Played straight for the first parts of the movie, but later averted due to Andrew keeping the camera steady and constantly running using his powers.
* [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]]: {{spoiler|Andrew is a troubled, misunderstood kid who doesn't do well on his first date and then proceeds to [[Social Darwinist|kill everyone he considers weaker than him.]]}}
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Richard. {{spoiler|Even the death of his wife and his son doesn't cover the sheer volume of bad karma he had accumulated.}}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Andrew has a lot of moments where it counts - {{spoiler|when he didn't think it was wrong to veer a car off the road; after he accidentally kills Steve; when he videotapes Steve's funeral; when he tears a spider limb-from-limb for no reason; and when he gives that Apex Predator speech ("A lion doesn't feel guilty when it eats a gazelle").}}
* [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]]: When Andrew {{spoiler|beats up his abusive father, when he tears Wayne the bully's teeth out, takes his revenge on the hoodlums, and when he tries to kill his father by dropping him from high in the air.}}
* [[Kid Hero]]: Subverted and deconstructed. Matt is the only one of the boys who can be considered a true hero, and, not coincidentally, {{spoiler|the only one to survive by the end}}.
* [[Leave Me Alone]]: {{spoiler|Delivered by Andrew, right before he blows the police surrounding him away.}}
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* [[Not So Stoic]]: Pothead pseudo-philosopher with hints of a superiority complex, Matt steadily starts showing real emotion in response to {{spoiler|Andrew's [[Face Heel Turn]]}} until he's sobbing uncontrollably {{spoiler|moments before killing Andrew}}.
* [[Not the Fall That Kills You]]: Averted. {{spoiler|Matt noticeably uses his telekinesis to halt the falling Richard before catching him.}}
* [[Not Using the Z Word]]: The kids never compare themselves to, say, [[Spider -Man|Peter Parker]] or the [[Fantastic Four]], and no one uses the words "superpower" or "superhero", as if comic books simply don't exist in this universe. [[Fridge Brilliance|Considering]] the boys have to look up "telekinesis" in the dictionary before they can put a name on "the thing we can do where we move stuff with our minds", maybe this is exactly the case.
* [[Not Wearing Tights]]: See directly above.
* [[Pay Evil Unto Evil]]: {{spoiler|Andrew's ''modus operandi''}} before [[Jumping Off the Slippery Slope]].
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* [[Self-Made Orphan]]: [[Subverted]]. {{spoiler|Andrew almost succeeds in killing his father, but, as he falls from a great height, he is rescued by Matt}}.
* [[Sequel Hook]]: There are subtle hints that the government is not unaware of the source of the boys' powers, and {{spoiler|Matt}} promises to "find out what happened." Also ''somebody'' had to collect all that footage and splice it together. And who else do you think would have gone to all the trouble to {{spoiler|dig up Andrew's first camera, that got buried with the meteorite/artifact?}}. By the way, a sequel is confirmed as being in the works.
* [[Sex Asas Rite of -Of-Passage]]: It'd discussed by the boys {{spoiler|and ultimately subverted.}}
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Casey is only in the film to be Matt's [[Love Interest]] (and to give the movie another cameraman to follow).
* [[Shoo Out the Clowns]]: {{spoiler|Steve is the most consistently easy-going and friendly character in the movie, who is also arguably the most laid-back about his powers. Interestingly, it is with his death that things go seriously down-hill and Andrew's [[Start of Darkness]] begins in earnest.}}
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* [[Start of Darkness]]: The movie, contrary to the marketing, is told from Andrew's perspective. You can blame it on his father, too.
* [[Super Dickery]]: Pretty much how the teens start out.
* [[Superhero]]: The question of whether ''Chronicle'' is a superhero movie or not is approaching [[Internet Backdraft]] levels. Despite the [[Not Using the Z Word|word "superhero" or "superpowers" never being mentioned]], the ways the boys gain their power is heavily reminiscent of [[Marvel Comics]] classics (particularly [[Spider -Man]] or [[Fantastic Four]]), and the further dynamic of the film, particularly the third act, cements this impression.
* [[Super-Hero Origin]]: By the end of the film, Matt has experienced a [[My Greatest Failure]] {{spoiler|(having to kill his cousin in order to save a lot of other people's lives)}}, is motivated by that experience to learn more about the origin and nature of his powers, and is in ''Tibet'', which is basically Memetic Dagobah for budding superheroes.
* [[Superpower Lottery]]: Played with. All of the boys get identical powers (very broadly implemented telekinesis), but their degrees of mastery varies.
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* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Sure, {{spoiler|Andrew becomes an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] with a God complex}}, but that doesn't stop the focus on him.
* [[Vomit Discretion Shot]]: When Andrew pukes for the first time, we don't see the process, although we do see the icky aftermath. When he does it again near the end of the movie, it is pretty much a [[Vomit Indiscretion Shot]].
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: {{spoiler|Andrew [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch|murders and robs four bullies]] and holds up a store so he can get enough money to pay for his mom's medicine.}}
* [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]]: Andrew's {{spoiler|dark descent and ultimate rampage are heavily reminiscent of the way most kids who bring guns to school are pushed}}, except on a much grander scale.
* [[What Happened to Thethe Mouse?]]: Casey vanishes from the film after {{spoiler|Matt rescues her from Andrew}}.
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Matt keeps calling Andrew out on every major [[Kick the Dog]] moment he does, from the time he veered a car off the road (and didn't think it was wrong), to {{spoiler|killing Steve and ''bringing his camera to the funeral.''}}
* [[With Great Power Comes Great Perks]]: Could possibly be [[The Movie]] of the trope. After three high-school guys are given telekinetic powers by a mysterious artifact hidden at the bottom of a crater, they mainly use their newfound abilities to waste time in increasingly spectacular ways, from playing pranks on customers at a department store, to playing football several thousand feet off the ground. {{spoiler|Unfortunately, a very nasty combination of [[Abusive Parents]] and bullying at school eventually turns one of them into a supervillain}}.
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* [[Worf Had the Flu]]: {{spoiler|Andrew is the strongest out of the three boys, but failed to take out Matt in the climax -- even though it should have been pretty easy considering the level of control he has over his powers -- and was easily killed by him instead. The fact that he only recently emerged from a coma, was suffering from severe burn wounds and probably also heavily doped up on painkillers likely affected his performance.}}
* [[X Meets Y]]: Hoo boy.
** ''[[Unbreakable]]'' meets ''[[Fantastic Four]]'' meets ''[[Jumper (Literaturenovel)|Jumper]]'' meets ''[[Cloverfield]]'' meets ''[[Super 8]]''...
** ''[[Akira (Manga)|Akira]]'' meets ''[[Donnie Darko]]'' meets ''[[The Blair Witch Project]]''!
** ''[[Jumper (Literaturenovel)|Jumper]]'' meets ''[[Elephant]]''.
** ''[[Carrie]]'' meets ''[[Akira (Manga)|Akira]]''.
** ''[[Akira (Manga)|Akira]]'' meets [[Zero Day]]
* [[Yank the Dog's Chain]]: After the talent show, Andrew's popularity with his schoolmates skyrockets. Yet, he manages to [[Epic Fail|royally screw this up]] and become even more of a laughingstock in the same night.
* [[You Are Not Alone]]: Both Steve and Matt try to invoke this with Andrew (with the latter even using it word for word){{spoiler|, [[Subverted Trope|unfortunately]], Andrew is too far past the [[Despair Event Horizon]] for it to work.}}