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* Any time Casey shares a scene with Ronald Reagan's photograph.
* Combining CMoF with [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|CMoA]] would be Casey taking down an enemy spy with a FLYING MICROWAVE TO THE HEAD in "Chuck Versus the Tango."
{{quote| '''Casey''': That's what I call [[Bond One-Liner|moving some merchandise]].}}
* The entire sequence in "Chuck Versus the Truth" with the [[Truth Serum]] which will slowly kill them, right after they get a single dose of the antidote.
{{quote| '''Casey''': You're a good person Chuck, and I respect that, but I've got a job to do now take that before I shove it down your throat!<br />
'''Chuck''': Okay. Okay, fine. Fine. I'll do it.<br />
'''Sarah''': Thank you.<br />
'''Chuck''': I'll pretend to agree to take it and then I'll run like hell to my sister's room and make her take it! Why did I just say that out loud?<br />
'''Sarah''': It's the poison. It makes you tell the truth.<br />
'''Casey''': You do that and I'll give chase, put a gun to your head and threaten to pull the trigger if you don't.<br />
'''Chuck''': [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|Would you really shoot me?]]<br />
'''Casey''': No. }}
** It only gets better as the episode goes on.
{{quote| '''Chuck''': Eugh! Not Pretty! Ugly...}}
** Let's not forget:
{{quote| '''Chuck''': Casey, your jaw was chiseled by Michelangelo himself.}}
** And when Ellie has been poisoned:
{{quote| '''Sarah:''' Ellie, are you okay? Have you done anything unusual today?<br />
'''Ellie:''' (beat) ...Words taste like peaches. }}
** Not to mention much of the sequence where they were infected with the serum was set to 'Toxic' by Britney Spears.
* Casey going undercover at <s>Sarah</s>Jenny's High School Reunion as the DJ, and dancing to MMMBop by [[Hanson]].
* Sarah tells Chuck she has personal plans for the evening in "Chuck Versus the DeLorean." Chuck follows her to find out what's going on. Sarah reveals that [[Crazy Prepared|she has set up a program]] designed ''specifically'' to sound an alarm on her phone if Chuck decides to stalks her.
* Chuck trying to get a message to Casey at Thanksgiving dinner:
{{quote| '''Chuck:''' I'm thankful that Bryce Larkin is dead, and not in my bedroom making out with my new girlfriend.<br />
'''Morgan:''' Wow, Chuck, that was... dark.<br />
'''Awesome:''' And ''specific.'' }}
* When Casey gets bemused looks after he is able to produce a high C on demand:
{{quote| '''Casey:''' Choir boy. ''[even more baffled looks]'' What? I wasn't ''hatched''.}}
* Three simple words from "Chuck Versus the Gravitron:" "Unleash the Casey."
** From the same episode, Big Mike [[Big Damn Heroes|defending his Buy More]] on Thanksgiving.
* General Beckman visits Los Angeles and Chuck's apartment complex for the first time since the series has started, and the first thing he notes about her:
{{quote| '''Chuck''': Wow, Beckman is ''[[Expecting Someone Taller|tiny]]''.}}
* The absurdly sexy [[Lock and Load Montage|gun-cleaning scene]] from "Chuck Versus the Broken Heart," complete with [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|lustful looks, pipe-cleaners sliding into barrels, slowly screwing on the silencer]]... [[Firefly|I'll be in my bunk]].
** Casey and [[Distaff Counterpart|Alex]]: "''I dream of killing that man''".
* Casey in "Chuck Versus the Angel de la Muerte," loopy on anesthesia. He goes from a very gruff, angry, "No! No!" to a giggly, touchy-feely, "Ooooh!" in .02 seconds. And upon awakening, his first words are a smiley, "Heh, hey Chucky..."
* In "Chuck Versus Operation Awesome," Chuck discovers exactly how awesome Awesome is ''not'' at lying, culminating in:
{{quote| '''Ellie:''' [[It Makes Sense in Context|Oh, my God! You were attacked by a BEAR!]]<br />
'''Chuck:''' (''makes "cut" motions with his hand at his neck, meaning "stop talking"'')<br />
'''Awesome:''' YEAH! And I j... I... cut off its head!<br />
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* Again from "Operation Awesome": The scene with gay security guard [[One-Scene Wonder|Julius]] in which Devon is [[Mistaken for Gay]].
* General Beckman's reaction to the [[Relationship Upgrade]]:
{{quote| "I must caution you that allowing your private life to interfere with your professional one can be dangerous... but off the record, ''it's about damn time.''" (''click'')}}
* Shaw's deadpan "[[Evil Laugh|Muhaha]]" in "Chuck Versus the Ring, Part II."
** And then Chuck gets to do it back to him.
* In "Chuck Versus the Suitcase," Morgan's presentation about how the new Buy More is too efficiently run, in the form of a monologue as he strolls through the Buy More as he attempts to cause chaos, {{spoiler|but the CIA agents hired to run the store as a substation [[Funny Background Event|keep fixing everything before anything happens]], using all sorts of crazy stuntwork and precise timing}}. It helps when one of the new Buy More employees is [[The Man Your Man Could Smell Like]].
{{quote| '''Kid''': I don't wanna be an astronaut anymore, Mommy. I wanna work at the Buy More.<br />
'''Greta''': First you have to finish school, little man. }}
* Jeff & Lester's first scene in season 4 has several within ''three minutes''.
** Lester running a [[Jedi Mind Trick]] on Morgan.
{{quote| '''Lester:''' We are not the boys you are looking for.<br />
'''Morgan:''' These are not the boys we are lo-- Hey, cut it out! }}
** Lester protesting that people have been following them ''for months'' after {{spoiler|they were accused of blowing up the Buy More}}, and Casey asking how Lester knows that they weren't ''just driving behind them''.
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** To start with, it was designed by JEFF AND LESTER, using the results of a study Jeff was once in, involving things even the most deranged, fearless lunatics are afraid of. {{spoiler|It serves as a [[Chekhov's Gun]] which gets turned on [[A Nightmare on Elm Street|Robert Englund]], of all people.}} However, while the most deranged, fearless lunatics may be afraid of everything being shown, for your everyday person it's a list of things that may or may not kinda be disturbing.
** Bonus points go to the [[Sarcasm Mode|oh-so terrifying]] baby in a snail costume and Chuck's high-pitched, half-terrified/half-adoring voice during the sequence.
{{quote| '''Chuck''': Old people! Black licorice! Man feet! OTTERS!}}
* In "Chuck Versus The Fear Of Death," pretty much any scene where Lester and Jeff are stalking Greta, or Greta has to whip out her knife.
* In "Chuck Versus the Leftovers," the first time Volkoff discovers {{spoiler|Chuck is his right hand woman's son}} and immediately goes from trying to kill him to wanting to go to Thanksgiving Dinner with him. This just gets better as, a couple of scenes later, Volkoff is playing Charades (and making strange motions, including galloping and dancing), complete with slow motion and "In the Hall of the Mountain King" playing in the background.
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** In addition to being a scene which probably kicked a few teenage boys into puberty, [[Ms. Fanservice|Sarah's]] [[Belly Dancer|belly-dance]] [ seduction] becomes hilarious the moment Chuck realizes he's [[Distracted by the Sexy|falling for the same seduction techniques]] [[Beat Them At Their Own Game|he's attempting to use himself]].
** Roan Montgomery telling Chuck about his past relationship with Beckman.
{{quote| '''Chuck''': No! General Beckman {{spoiler|was a dirty blonde?}}<br />
'''Roan''': It was [[The Eighties]]. {{spoiler|everyone was dirty blonde}}. }}
** [[Expecting Someone Taller|Beckman]] {{spoiler|[[More Dakka|firing a shoulder-launched rocket]] [[Refuge in Audacity|across Marrakesh]].}}
** Casey trying to seduce the female guard, and everyone's negativity at the idea. {{spoiler|He fails after he makes a comment on her weight and just tranqs her before blowing up the door}}.
* Chuck and Sarah discussing wedding plans while robbing "The First Bank of Evil" from the eponymous episode.
{{quote| '''Chuck:''' I'm so glad you found a dress, that's awesome, and I bet you look gorgeous in it—DON'T BE A HERO, MY FRIEND, I WILL BREAK YOUR FACE!}}
* From "Chuck Versus the A-Team:"
{{quote| '''Sarah''': Chuck? Are you about to disarm a nuclear bomb using ''fruit juice?!''}}
** The best part of it is probably Sarah's unhesitating acceptance of this when Chuck confirms it.
* Somali pirates gambling on Uno in "Chuck Versus the Family Volkoff."
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* Chuck and Morgan humming and air drumming the Imperial March to get Morgan psyched up before a mission.
* Chuck and Morgan kidnap someone and take them to the apartment.
{{quote| ''Are we in a bathroom?''<br />
''No! This is Hell!'' }}
* Chuck {{spoiler|kissing Casey to save him from a virus}} in "Chuck vs. The Ex".
{{quote| '''Casey''': I served my country with honor. Please... let me die with dignity!}}
* Even the RING had it's moments.
{{quote| '''Vincent''': We detected a computer signal similar to the one Orion used in Hong Kong. We've traced it to a retail store in Burbank, California.<br />
'''RING Elder''': Is it a Buy More?<br />
'''Vincent''': Yes. Would you like me to pick something up for you? }}
* Volkoff just has too many of them.
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** '' "No, no, no no, no! Please, stop! Stop, stop! I'll tell you everything you want. No, don't! My home address is 17 Tally Place. My dog's name is Kipper. And I had [[Too Much Information|my first sexual experience]] watching [[Lawrence of Arabia]]. I'm not proud of it. I...I came from a broken home." ''
** '' "Oh cool, a tiny weapons standoff!" ''
** Trying to toss a knife to Chuck on board a plane, but ends up accidentally skewering a mook in the back.
** '' "Yeah, it's just, it's so thrilling. It reminds me of that great episode of ''[[Alias (TV series)|Alias]]''. [[Shout-Out|I loved that show!]]" ''
** '' "Kids love me!" ''
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** [[The Atoner|Threatening a pirate with a knife, only for ten seconds later, he ends up apologizing to said pirate, followed by rapid bouts of hugging and kissing]]. [[Freak-Out|Pirate has a silent freak out]].
* Ellie showing her inner Wedding Planner-Zilla.
{{quote| ''Morgan, you had better have extra twinkle lights. I want this place to look magical. MAGICAL!''}}
* ''Chuck vs. The Gravitron'' when he was pinched by Casey for making kissy noises on the phone.
* "Chuck vs. The Couch Lock"
** A drugged Casey accidentally calling Jeff for help.
{{quote| '''Casey''': I'll be in the dumpster.<br />
'''Jeff''': Don't worry I know that dumpster. }}
** The bad guys putting Casey's tracking device on a cat.
{{quote| '''Chuck''' (on the phone): They put it on a what? No, don't shoot it!}}
* Chuck and Morgan at a stripper pole dance class thing in "Chuck vs. the Leftovers". Morgan's a little too good at the pole.
* [[One-Scene Wonder|The woman who talks on her cellphone]] in "Chuck vs. The Wedding Planner".
{{quote| (In a deadpan tone) "Oh my God, this guy just exposed himself to a woman on the Super Shuttle".}}
* Jeff and Lester stalk Shaw.
{{quote| '''Jeff''': Stalkers log. Stalkie is getting in a gray van with another male possibly for a sexual encounter. Both men are physically fit. Should be lively.<br />
'''Lester''': Don't make me be afraid to be alone with you. }}
* The pilot had the one where Sarah dressed as a burglar tries to steal Chuck's computer. Morgan throws stuff at her but she keeps deflecting them and hits Chuck.
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* There's also Sane!Jeff having none of Lester's usual shenanigans and refusing to go along with it.
* Big Mike's response to Morgan's complaint that he and Mrs. Grimes are too loud during sex.
{{quote| ''You can't expect to move into the forest and then complain that the wildlife make too much noise. It's beautiful and natural, [[Too Much Information|and frequent]]''.}}
* "Chuck vs Tom Sawyer" (funniest episode ever) has a few such as Emmett seeing Chuck and Jeff hanging out
{{quote| (to his tape recorder) "''I have observed the following Buy More violations: Misappropriation of the Home Theater room, consumption of alcohol after hours and lewd use of a musical montage.''"}}
** Later Chuck had to stash Jeff at his apartment, much to Ellie and Sarah's chagrin.
{{quote| '''Jeff''': "''Wassup, ladies? (to Chuck) [[Brother-Sister Incest|You take the brunette]]. I'm gonna take a crack at the blond''"}}
** Then the morning after.
{{quote| '''Chuck''': (to Jeff) "''Wild night, huh? We drunk, you got smashed, we just watched and it was very awkward.''"}}
** Chuck persuades Morgan to help.
{{quote| '''Chuck''': "''Who was the president of the high school audio/visual club? Who was a roadie for [[Mamma Mia!]] for 4 straight summers? Who owns his own smoking machine?''"<br />
'''Morgan''': "''I do, okay? [[Hypocritical Humor|Jeff is a loser, dude]]''". }}
* "Chuck Versus the Kept Man" provides a good number of them.
** First off is Sarah lampshading her position as [[Ms. Fanservice]].
{{quote| '''Sarah''': Do you know how many skimpy outfits ''I'' have had to put on for this team? Did you hear me complain when I had to put on a [[Spy Catsuit|catsuit]], or a seven-inch platform high-heels, or a [[Belly Dancer|belly-dancing outfit]]?<br />
'''Casey''': (''opens mouth to respond, then realizes:'') ...Belly-dancing? (''[[Head-Tiltingly Kinky|quirks head]]'')<br />
'''Sarah''': ...okay, [[Call Back|that was private]]. }}
** Shortly thereafter, Sarah encounters a [[Primal Scene]] that...well:
{{quote| '''Verbanski''': (''offscreen'') You've been a naughty, ''naughty'' colonel.<br />
(''a spank, followed by Casey grunting, as Sarah looks queasy and rushes out the door'')<br />
'''Chuck''': (''catching up with Sarah'') Sarah, what's wrong?<br />
'''Sarah''': Everything. It's ''[[Brain Bleach|all]]'' wrong. }}
** All of Verbaski's brazen ways of seducing Casey.
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** Every scene involving the Vail Buy More, as we see that there's [[Similar Squad|a group eerily similar]] to the Burbank Buy Morons.
** Casey, in general, once again brings the laughs, especially with his reaction upon having to go to the Vail Buy More to complete the final mission.
{{quote| '''Casey''': I'm ''never'' getting out of this place.}}
** The discussion of [[Retirony]]
{{quote| '''Sarah:''' So there's a {{spoiler|stolen Intersect}} out there somewhere.<br />
'''Casey:''' Guess we're not retired after all.<br />
'''Sarah:''' Well, it doesn't change the plan. It just means we have one last mission.<br />
'''Morgan:''' [[Flat What|What]]?!<br />
'''Chuck:''' Nooooooo!<br />
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* While {{spoiler|Jeff and Lester's [[Big Damn Heroes]] moment from}} "Chuck Versus the Bullet Train" is a certifiable [[Moment of Awesome]], it's got it's hilarious moments too. {{spoiler|Particularly when we see Jeff and Lester armed to the teeth with weaponry from Casey's Crown Vic, and threatening the baddie, while Canada's national anthem plays in the background.}}
{{quote| '''Casey''': Your country needs you!<br />
''[[[Beat]]]''<br />
{{spoiler|'''Lester''': Canada?}} }}
* While "Chuck Versus Sarah" is more of a dramatic (and quite frankly, dark) episode, something has to be said about Morgan fooling around with an invisibility cloak that he stumbles upon while the Carmichael team infiltrates the DARPA building {{spoiler|to destroy the Intersect once and for all}}.
* As to be expected, the [[Grand Finale]] "Chuck Versus the Goodbye" has it's moments.
** Captain Awesome covering Clara's eyes the moment he realises Grandma Frost has a gun out.
{{quote| '''Devon:''' Grandma, what did we say about guns around baby Clara?<br />
''[Frost lowers her gun]''<br />
'''Frost:''' That it's a no-no. I'm sorry! }}
** {{spoiler|Jeffster}} get to be the [[Big Damn Heroes]] {{spoiler|[[It Makes Sense in Context|by playing "Take On Me"]]}}. ''Especially'' Beckman's WTF look to Casey.
{{quote| '''Casey:''' ''[Deadpan]'' We're doomed.}}
** Chuck screwing up the mission as only he can. {{spoiler|By shooting down Casey's helicopter. (with the Colonel's own Desert Eagle, no less!)}}
* Back in season 4 when Awesome and Ellie walked in the Buy More looking all beat up.
{{quote| ''"What happened to you two?"''<br />
''"We had a baby"''. }}
* {{spoiler|[[Community|Danny Pudi and Yvette Nicole Brown's]]}} cameo in S5E5.
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