Ciaphas Cain/Characters: Difference between revisions

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==== Tomas Beije ====
A fellow cadet at the Schola Progenium whichwhen Cain studied atthere. He is Commissar to the Tallarn 227th regiment.
* [[Knight Templar]]
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: His attempt to arrest Cain on charges of desertion and cowardice getcaused the Commissariat tribunal judging the case to charge ''him'' charged with gross incompetence for interfering with Cain's mission by the Commissariat tribunal he called to charge Cain. Cain said he'd pull a few strings to help him out.
* [[Lawful Stupid]]: Burned down a Chaos cult's ritual site before the Imperial Guard could investigate it and learn anything. Lord General Zyvan was ''not'' pleased.
* [[The Rival]]: To Cain.
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The Administratum adept assigned to the Schola Cain teaches at.
* [[Not So Different]] -- Cain was surprised, after knowing Brasker a few years, to discover he was actually something of a kindred spirit.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]
* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]] -- Subverted (the Cain series really does like this).
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* [[Bond One-Liner]]
{{quote|"Consider yourself relieved of your position."}}
* [[Bunny Ears Lawyer]] -- Invoked. Also possibly a straight example - Cain points out she's using all of her elaborate disguises and personas because she's just having fun.
* [[The Chains of Commanding]] -- Amberley usually hides it behind her flippant, cheerful mask, but on several occasions she admits to Cain that it's hard for her to remain detached from the suffering caused by the intrigues it's her job to prevent.
* [[Clingy Jealous Girl]] -- Amberley shows signs of this, minus the clingy part, in the footnotes whenever the young Cain has a new relationship with another woman.
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===== Pelton =====
A former member of the Adeptus Arbites, he was undercover in a cartel for so long his handlers thought he had gone over so they tried to pull him back in. Pelton, however, managed to cause the cartel to fracture under a civil war by a simple murder frame -up. The Arbiters were going to execute him, but Amberley managed to attach him to her retinue.
* [[Cowboy Cop]]
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===== Zemelda Cleat =====
A former fast-food worker on Periremunda who was caught in a genestealer assassination attempt on Cain, and actually managed to kill a few. Hired by Amberley, she soon showed that she was competent enough in a firefight, and also served to run errands for Amberley in her disguise. She also makes a very brief appearance, heading out the door as Cain arrives, in the short story "The Little Things."
* [[Dare to Be Badass]]
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* [[The Atoner]]: For being led astray by Killian
* [[Death Equals Redemption]]: After being led astray by Killian, she concludes that she and her order can only recievereceive absolution through dying against the Tyrannids.
* [[The Fundamentalist]]
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* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Naturally, she has a chainsword.
* [[It's Personal]]: With the Necrons, over their massacre of a Sororitas group at a place called Sanctuary 101.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
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==== Killian ====
A Magos supervising the archaeotech dig that turned into Cain's first encounter with Necrons, in "Echoes of the Tomb." The ironic coincidence of his name's with the villain from ''Duty Calls'' is never examined. Cain describes him as the most atypical, and most likable, tech-priest he ever met, and reflects that those two qualities are probably related.
* [[Taking the Bullet]]: The gauss flayer blast, actually.
==== Lazerus ====
A member of the mechanusMechanicus who was assigned to their end of the investigation into the theft of the Shadowlight.
* [[Cool Plane]]: Well an Ornithopter anyway.
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An adept on Perlia, who worked with Cain during his trek across the planet after being separated from his regiment.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Has a mechandrite that looks exactly like a tail.
* [[Genki Girl]]: Highly unusual for the Mechanicus, who disdain emotions and try to rise above them. One of her teachers thought this would limit her prospects.
* [[I Was Quite a Looker]]: Unusually for this trope, we see Felicia both as a rather attractive young woman, and as a typically disturbing-looking tech-priestess as an older woman.