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** {{spoiler|'''Note:''' She brought A SMALL BOY to help her BOMB SOMEONE'S HOUSE! Why? Because she hated him, she stole his debit card, he tried to get it back, and she tried to get revenge by calling him a stalker. But when her allegations and the facts didn't add up, she had to take matters into her own hands...}}
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: Not deemed canon in-universe, but neither of Candi's husbands gets very much [[Character Development]] outside of their relationship with her; so, to the readers/audience at least, Donte and Denny may appear somewhat shallow. Made worse by the fact that if they ([[Invincible Hero|especially Donte]]) [[How to Stop The Deus Ex Machina|weren't forced out of her life]], ([[Put On a Bus|temporarily]] or [[The Plot Reaper|otherwise]],) [[Anthropic Principle|there wouldn't be much of a plot]].
* [[Unfortunate Implications]]: Merle, a white [[Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop|cop]], beats a [[Brought Down to Normal|defenseless]] Donte, a black man, [[Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique|for information]].
** And the Flippo girls, in defiance of Erin's prudery, seem to measure their worth largely by [[Acceptable Feminine Goals|how competently they can end up in a lasting marriage]]. Not too terrible though, since the men they marry measure themselves by the same standard.
** Andrew the Truck Driver, a black man, hates Mexicans.