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== Video Games ==
* ''[[City of Heroes]]'' and its [[Evil Counterpart]], ''[[City of Villains]]'', are pretty good examples of this trope, but most MMORPGs are jam-packed with weirdoes of [[This Loser Is You|all kinds]].
* The crowd that gathers at the end of ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]'' seem awfully calm despite a huge mobile fortress crashed into Federal Hall as well as the body of the former President of the United States wearing an exoskeleton suit with metal tentacles and a selection of swords lying nearby. They also seem to not notice the oddly dressed and armed Snake and Raiden. However, this [[Gainax Ending|may not be meant to be taken literally]].
** The weirdly dressed guys wouldn't really bother me much (it's [[New York City]], two guys dressed in weird outfits aren't a completely uncommon sight). It's the former president smashed on the steps of Federal Hall and the giant crony machine that crashed through the city.
* In the ''[[Grand Theft Auto]]'' series, you can generally walk around brandishing any weapon you want without drawing attention to yourself. In ''[[Grand Theft Auto IV]]'' this continues to be true with one exception, the strip clubs. For some reason if you pull a gun there (and only there), the place goes nuts.