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[[File:BaccanoGunsomethig_3098.jpg|link=Baccano!|frame|Generally frowned upon in polite company.]]
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The hero is making their escape from the baddies. They run down a corridor and find a door.
They open it and run smack bang into a whole platoon of soldiers -- who all then proceed to ready their automatic weapons simultaneously.
Subtrope of [[Kinetic Clicking]]. See also [[Audible Sharpness]], [[Dramatic Gun Cock]] and [[Land Mine Goes Click]]. See [[Twang! "Hello."]] for the archery/throwing weapon equivalent.
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* In the ''[[Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex]]'' {{spoiler|episode "Embraced by a Disguised Net -- CAPTIVATED", a kidnapper gets the drop on the Major, putting a gun to her head. However, as fits this trope, Batou shows up behind her...}}
* In the second episode of ''[[Dominion Tank Police]]'', the police Chief attempts to arrest Buaku when Anipuna and the Gang click hello him. The gang are then click hello'ed by the Red Commandos who are, of course, click hello'ed by Britain and the rest of the tank police.
* ''[[Baccano!]]!'' executes a textbook version of this (as seen in the page image) when [[The Mafia|Luck Gandor]] finds [[Jerkass|Dallas]] attempting to kill his best friend, Firo.
* In the [[Lupin III]] movie ''Dead or Alive'', Lupin and co manage to kidnap a princess, who's actually a government agent in disguise. Lupin discovers this when he's interruped mid-sentence by a pistol pressing into the back of his head.
* Sōsuke from ''[[Full Metal Panic!]]!'' has a habit of doing this to people. ''Especially'' people whom he randomly deems as being "suspicious".
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* In ''[[Face Off]]'', there's a series of Click Hello s with several people all pointing guns at each other in a church. Castor hoots, [ "Woo wee! What a predicament!"]
* Used in an interesting way in ''[[Push]]''. Nick walks up to [[Big Bad|Carver]] and [[The Dragon|Victor]] at a restaurant seemingly unarmed, but then telekinetically lowers two handguns from above them and holds them against their heads.
* In ''[[RoboCop]]'', some clueless thug tries to rob a doughnut store. After hearing a dozen clicks, he turns and sees that the entire store is filled with cops. The cashier quips, "What's it like being a rocket scientist?"
* Kenneth Branagh manages to get one of these in to his version of [[Hamlet]]. ''Hamlet.''
* In the Chuck Norris film ''Code of Silence'', two street thugs attempt to rob a bar where Cusak and his fellow cops hang out, resulting in everyone but the bartender drawing down on the two thugs.
* In the cult classic ''[[Highlander]]'' Juan Ramierez does this to Connor Macleod with a *Katana(!)* to the back of Macleod's neck.
{{quote|'''Ramirez''': "Crude and slow clansman, your attack was no better then that of a clumsy child."}}
* In ''The Outlaw Josey Wales'', this is done twice. First, when Clint Eastwood pulls a "click hello" on Chief Dan George; and later, when Dan George returns the favor, an Indian girl Eastwood freed pulls her own "click hello" on Chief Dan George (again):
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** Also done ''to'' him in the same film, with an appropriately cool one-liner.
{{quote|There are sufficient reasons not to kill you. The fact that you would be missed by NASA is not among them.}}
* Taken to the absurd extreme in "[[The Blues Brothers]]". After finally getting the money needed to save the orphanage to the Clerk and Recorder's office, Jake and Elwood both reach out to take the receipt. In a flash, their wrists are locked together in handcuffs, upon which they turn... and discover probably EVERY Police officer, SWAT Member, and Army Soldier in the greater Chicago area pointing a weapon at them.
* At the start of ''[[My Name Is Nobody]]'', an outlaw posing as a barber prepares to kill [[The Hero|Jack Beauregard]] when he hears a click...and notices Beauregard has [[Groin Attack|his gun held against his crotch]]. He dutifully finishes the shave job.
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* Made great use of in one of Stephen King's ''[[The Dark Tower]]'' novels, in a scene in which ''seven characters'' successively get the drop on one another.
** With the good guys using slingshots and knives versus the guns of the Big Coffin Hunters, of which the Big Coffin Hunters are the more scared, and injured, group.
* In one of the parodic Swedish ''Ture Sventon'' crime novels, ''Ture Sventon in London'', this type of event is spoofed when a series of crooks and detectives pull this stunt while exchanging polite comments and keeping their upper lips stiff.
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* ''[[The Wire]]'': Omar Little announces his presence this way to a couple of guards distracted by [[Dirty Harriet|one of his team-mates undercover as a cheap prostitute]] [ pulling off the heist against the New Day Co-op].
* In the Al Capone/Jesse James episode of [[Deadliest Warrior]], {{spoiler|Capone is beating the crap out of Jesse, about to go for the coup de grace...when the infamous click of a Winchester rifle loading is heard from the door to the room. Capone looks up...BOOMHeadshot.}}
* On the episode of ''[[NCIS]]'' which featured [[SVU|Casey Novak]] as Gibbs' [[Distaff Counterpart]], her introduction was one of these. And it was awesome. Diane Neal sure can pick her characters.
* ''[[Criminal Minds]]''
** Hotch and Morgan are facing down an angry mob trying to kill their UnSub.
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'''Rossi''': *click* That would be us. }}
** In the season seven finale, this is how JJ greets the UnSub who [[Mama Bear|threatened her son]]. Long story short, [[Beware the Nice Ones|it didn't]] [[Berserk Button|end well]] [[Unstoppable Rage|for the UnSub]].
* ''[[Against the Wall]]'' has Abby using this in her rescue of her partner Lina from a crazed stalker who wants revenge.
* Of all the [[Damn Its Good To Be A Gangster|gangsters]], [[Badass|badasses]], and [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing|Bitches in Sheep's Clothing]] hanging around ''[[Boardwalk Empire]]'', it's [[Token Wholesome]] Margaret Schroeder who pulls a [[Click Hello]] on {{spoiler|Eli, who's trying to strangle Nucky}}. With a ''shotgun''.
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* ''[[Goblin Hollow]]'' [ here].
* Schlock from ''[[Schlock Mercenary]]'' is a master of the Ominous Hum Hello, as in [ this case].
* Bangladesh Dupree [ pulls one of these on Ardsley Wooster] just as he's about to [[Shoot the Dog]]. [[Offhand Backhand|He gets his revenge a few pages later.]]
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* In the machinima ''[[Leet World]]'', during the first challenge one of these occurs. Leeroy (Team A) gets snuck up on by Cortez (Team B), who is snuck up upon by Westheimer (Team A), who is in range of Ellis (Team B). Note that in this case it is literally completely pointless as there are in a competition where people can be revived, you get points for killing people and they have no reason to talk.
* Tex introduces herself to Agent Wyoming in this way in Episode 42 of ''[[Red vs. Blue]]'' and asks where his employer, [[AI Is a Crapshoot|O'Malley]] is. Said employer then shows up and introduces himself in the same fashion.
== Western Animation ==
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* A "dumb crook" anecdote out there involves a bank robber unlucky enough to target a bank used by several agents of the local FBI office -- on their payday. When he announced it was a stick-up, cue the clicking of the safeties coming off behind him....
* In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a man walked into fast food restaurant during a particularly busy day, pulled a gun and told the cashier, "This is a stick-up." A number of guns cocked behind him, and the person standing behind the man said, "No, it's not." Turns out the fast food restaurant was around the corner from a Wisconsin police conference, which had just let its attendees out for lunch.
* From PJ O'Rourke, ''Holidays in Hell'', he recounts the amusement of locals in some Central American hellhole, on reading another journalist's description of hearing, in a tense moment, "the sound of dozens of safeties being removed." No-one there EVER keeps their safety catch on.
* In one firefight in Afghanistan, a US patrol managed to stage an ambush against a group of Taliban fighters and their new recruits. However, one private still had his weapon on safe as the unsuspecting party approached; when he took the safety off, the experienced leaders of the group heard the telltale click and managed an "oh, shit" on their faces right before being promptly mowed down.
* An Irish comedian (unsure which one) recounted a story like this on [[Top Gear]]. While learning to drive he plowed his car into a army blockade. A moment of relief that he had survived was followed by a round of clicks as a regiment aimed their guns at him.