
  • The physics, good lord, the physics. Your molecules are sped up, which help you move faster... unfortunately, that means that when you gently place your hand on a table at that speed, you are actually slapping the table with considerable force. When you pick up and move an item gently, you're actually flinging it with some force. If you run your shoulder into a wall under the influence of this, you're not going to hit it as you normally would, but more like at the speed of a car. This means that when you're manipulating objects at that speed, you need to be CAREFUL.
    • This troper saw a different problem with Hypertime, but it isn't with the physics, it was with chemestry. If your molecules speed up to the degree mentioned, you should change to a different state of matter, specifically, a gas.
  • One pellet of cold stuff will freeze an entire human instantly. Right.