• The final battle of Prince of Sparta. The corrupt Grand Senator backing the bad guys has landed an entire CD Marine regiment in Sparta's capital. All of the Falkenberg's Legion combat troops and the Royal Spartan army are away at the fighting front. The odds are flat-out suicidal, with maybe one hundred of Falkenberg's rear-area base troops and their civilian dependents vs. Line Marine armor. The CD offers to let the Spartans remain unmolested if they stand aside and let them at the Legion, and since Sparta City has nothing left but the unorganized militia levy, the Sparta City PD, and a short company of Royal household troops General Owensford advises his employers to take the deal, to avoid them being massacred as well. Leading to this exchange:

Prince Lysander: General Owensford, I fear you are laboring under a misconception.
General Owensford: Highness?
Prince Lysander: You seem to think we're going to abandon you.