Joe: Forget it! I'm washed up.
Tom Tucker: In local news, Quahog will soon play proud host to the Special People's Games. If you and/or a friend are disabled and would like to challenge yourself and raise your self-esteem, sign up today!
Peter: Joe, that's it! You got to compete in the Special People's Games.
Joe: Gosh! I-I don't know, Peter. Do you really think I can?
Peter: Hey, I'm the guy that believed you could be a desk. Come on! I'll even be your coach!
Joe: All right! Let's do it!
Tom Tucker: Coming up in this half hour, our undercover expose on conveniently placed news reports in television shows. But first, Peter, look out for that skateboard.

(Peter trips on a skateboard)

Here's a new low for the Hey! Turn on the TV! Rule: Not only is everything on TV about you, and everything on the radio about you, and even the paintings at the local art gallery for Pete's sake, but in this movie, everything at the roller rink is about you, too. What's next, Eddie goes to the UN, and Jeanne Kirkpatrick makes a speech about him? Eddie goes to the grocery store to pick up a six-pack of Genesee, only to find they're coming out with Eddie Wilson Can't Escape His Past Frozen Mozzarella Sticks? I can just imagine Eddie standing in the middle of the freezer section, shaking his fist at the gods responsible for poignant finger food.

Has anyone ever noticed Fry always turns the TV on at just the right moment?
—Bender, Futurama