Collar 6/Headscratchers: Difference between revisions

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*** Mystified or merely surprised?
** Entirely too much of what goes on feels like an Extended [[Ass Pull]] -- in short order, the comic introduces Judiciatrixes, the existance of Elemental Powers, BONDAGE NINJAS, several seemingly contradictory rules (joking about torturing a sub with knives is somehow less punishable than spying on someone, and apparently admitting to torturing a spy with "electroplay" is fine and dandy.) Elements of the story are introduced and ignored like a [[Kudzu Plot]].
*** An [[Ass Pull]], or [[Fridge Brilliance]]? In alot of ways this comic is intentionally following the structure of a long-running anime (ie [[DragonballDragon Ball]], [[One Piece (Manga)|One Piece]], [[Naruto]], etc.), but placed in a BDSM world. The sudden introduction of more powerful techniques and new characters and classes of characters is actually a staple of that type of story, as are [[Chekhov's Gun|Chekhov's Guns]] that don't come up again for very long periods of time.
**** Asspull. Nothing in the comic is ever set up properly and there are massive inconsistency issues with tone. Also, when anime series do it, it's an Asspull there too.
****** Note that the 'spying' complaint was apparently based on incomplete info--the Judiciatrix specifically calls out the spying as deserving of punishment.
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* The author appears especially hypersensitive to criticisms of her webcomic. After the fans caught wind of the review on Bad Wiki she put up a not-so-subtle "Disclaimer" 'For the insanely stupid' to 'do actual research on BDSM' except the whole point of the Bad Wiki criticisms was for the fact that there could actually be people are are INDEED ignorant on how BDSM ACTUALLY works. And going around drugging slaves and electrocuting people doesn't really send out a safe message to people who don't know better.
** Note: the author is a man named Steven Wallace. Even Bad Webcomics Wiki acknowledges this.
** The author's sensitive to more than just the webcomic. "Madame" seems to have it out for ''[[Last Res 0 rtRes0rt]]'', claiming the comic is somehow cheating on the webcomic ranking sites (LR's currently denying Collar6 the #1 spot on WebcomicZ), despite the fact that "Madame" [ dedicates a special thread on the forums] [[Irony|to how to circumvent the IP filtering systems and game those same sites]].
*** And if the edits on [[This Very Wiki]] are anything to go by? It's all because LR's creator dared to ''[[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|offer some help with Collar6's website design.]]'' [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]], I suppose...
*** The owners of several webcomic listings were contacted on the matter and after some research most found it to be indeed so that the creator or [[Last Res 0 rtRes0rt]] was using college computers to vote multiple times. On a technical note: this could have been prevented by the college simply putting all their computers inside a VLAN. This has the effect that anyone outside the network would see the same IP for every computer inside the VLAN.
**** One, [[Did Not Do the Research|no college with more than 100 people would even think of using a VLAN because of the insane bandwidth cap.]] Two, the college that the votes were coming from is several states away from where the creator of [[Last Res 0 rtRes0rt]] lives. Three; the WebcomicZ admin decided he couldn't find any foul play on LR's part... [[Take That|but he did find some Collar6 sockpuppets...]]
* What bugs me is that this comic has gone down the route where it's clear we're ''supposed'' to sympathize with Michelle and consider Mistress Butterfly "evil", but we really have no basis on which to do so.
** Michelle is fully as arrogant as Butterfly, and probably more so. It took a major slap in the face by Ginger calling safeword to even realize she was doing ''anything'' wrong, and even then, she didn't reconsider her bet (or sending away Laura and Ginger to keep them from becoming Butterfly's property if she lost).
** The Association apparently allows and even ''encourages'' mistress/sub relationships on a basis other than two people wanting and enjoying that dynamic with each other. ''If'' Butterfly violated Trina's safeword with involuntary knife-play, nobody seems to react to it as if she'd admitted breaking a major rule. So ''why'' on Earth should ''we'' care whether Butterfly's broken an Association rule by planting bugs?
** And Butterfly doesn't, to our knowledge, have an involuntary captive bound and lying in a padded room, one eye apparently swollen shut, and a victim of electrical torture. ''Spy'' or not.
*** Not to mention that if her merely using a spy was enough to call off the bet and get Butterfly in serious trouble, Michelle's keeping the spy captive for weeks and risking her beloved Laura becoming Butterfly's property was done purely out of arrogance and curiosity...which Michelle basically admits in the 2010-07-05 comic.
** And this is all barring the fact that as this is [[Fetish Fuel|primarily a bondage fetish comic]] where you can take liberties with the characters and consent that you normally can't in real life or even roleplay, why do we care who's under who's thumb? It's enough that [[Reverie Planetarian|This Troper]], who liked the comic previously for being a BDSM romance comic with pretty funny gags and lots of fantastic toys and devices is going idea what to call it. [[Darkness -Induced Audience Apathy|Fetish Induced Reader Apathy?]]
* Am I the only one who finds the whole "dominant energy" magic crap to be a massive Jumping of the Shark? It wasn't, as far as I remember, foreshadowed or hinted at up until it was used. Like a [[Deus Ex Machina]], but not really saving anything.
** I think that's known as an [[Ass Pull]]. And no, you're not. It came entirely out of nowhere.
** If it wasn't a [[Jumping the Shark]] moment for the ''comic'', it certainly was for the ''creators'' when folks started calling them out on it. Oy, the snippyness and the "It's his comic, STFU or GTFO" response from the [[Fan Dumb]]...
*** What fans have said that? As for the issue of it being an [[Ass Pull]], that's kind of the point. This show is following the formula of a [[Shonen]] anime. Think of [[Dragonball Z]], for a long time there was no sign of [[Ki Attacks]], then Goku met Roshi and we got the Kamehameha wave. While other Shonen's did feature Ki attacks from the beginning, they still tend to have [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]], such as the Tessaiga in Inuyasha, or [[Naruto|Sasuke's]] rare bloodline, or any of numerous other [[Shonen Upgrade|Shonen Upgrades]], and cases of [[Holding Back the Phlebotinum]].
**** Even if it's done to imitate another genre, it's still an [[Ass Pull]]. Besides, that seems to be about the only element being drawn from such shows. So, as far as I'm concerned, it's an [[Ass Pull]]. But my original point was that it was jumping the shark: I was fine with relative mundanity, I could accept a secret society, but now you're putting magic in my bondage, and that's not working. Especially since there's signs that it will all go away after the current arc.
***** We've probably been spoiled by more popular media on this. It's classic for stories that involve magic/energies/stuff... to mention it extremely early on. Collar6 didn't. That's fine by me. The first 3 pages of a comic don't need to have an gigantic display of fantasy elements to cement the fact that it's a fantasy comic. You call it an [[Ass Pull]], I call it introducing stuff when needed.
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* Why does "It's like a Shonen manga" get this comic a free pass on every flaw?
** Since when do comics get called out for their flaws? Flaws are perceived by the individual reader. What you think is bad, isn't what someone else considers bad. What you call "a free pass on every flaw" is just people not agreeing with you. Why make such a point of calling out a comic whenever it does something you don't like?
*** All the time. Many comics even have lots of in depth discussion of these issues on their own fora, look at how the Order/Miko fight on ''[[The Order of the Stick (Webcomic)|The Order of the Stick]]'' was dealt with.
** It sounds more like defending it as being "like a shonen manga" is just a quick [[Hand Wave]] to explain anything that bothers the rest of the audience, ignoring that not only does the genre have its own flaws (especially if Collar6 is somehow paying homage by REPEATING EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM), but that [[Dragonball Z]], Naruto, Bleach, and the like are NOT the only shonen comics that exist. [[Death Note (Manga)|Death Note]] is shonen without having these same plot flaws, for instance...
*** I'd very much like to mention that a lot of people seem to be bothered extremely quickly. Using "I think that's not right" as an excuse to come bitch about it on Tvtrops...
**** Well, it's not like anyone can actually discuss these problems on the Collar6 forums, as restricted as they are...
* What, exactly, was the point of "Owned"? Nothing really happened, and we didn't learn anything about he universe...
** Word of god: no real point. Just an interlude between the actual story. Drawing something else before getting burnt out on the actual story.
* Why is it that only two males ever shown in the proper webcomic are not idiots, crude and disgusting voyeurs, polygamous misogynous assholes with god complexes, or some combination of the three? And of those two, only one had a speaking part? If the author is a man, why is he so hell-bent on making his own sex look like the scum of the earth? There's making it a BDSM [[Lady Land]] [[ImprobablyFundamentally Female Cast]], and then there's actively disparaging half of the world's population at almost every opportunity. Seriously, if you're going to put in disgusting-bordering-on-bastard men, put in a lot more normal ones please, so the readers know that, in your fantasy world, men are not predominantly assholes.
** Also the whole "guns are barbaric, we outlawed them a century ago!" thing, coupled with Wolf immediately [[Suspiciously Specific Denial|denying that he has any political opinion on guns]]....
*** Or, you can predict that people will probably respond negatively to something that happens in your comic and issue a "just so you know" to prevent gigantic forum-discussion on the issue. And yeah, that requires being pretty quick about it and precise too...