Commie Land: Difference between revisions

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== Literature ==
* Two of [[Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn]]'s (who used to live in the Soviet work camps himself) books, ''[[One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich]]'', which is a historical fiction based on experience in the camps, and ''[[The Gulag Archipelago]]'', which is a non-fiction history of the Soviet work camps.
* Just about every [[Ayn Rand]] [[Author Tract|book]] features some manner of socialist dystopia, which is [[Freudian Excuse|probably due]] to her being from an actual [[Commie Land]] (Russia).
* [[Terry Goodkind]]'s ''[[Sword of Truth|Faith of the Fallen]]'', being inspired by Rand's work, involves the protagonist being forced to live in a collectivist dystopian city of [[The Empire]].
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== Multiple Media ==
* The American agents of nearly all older [[Spy Drama|Spy Dramas]]s get sent there at least once.
* ''[[Crimson Skies]]'' has the [[Divided States of America|successor state]] The People's Collective (covering most of the territory of former Iowa). The name is kind of a giveaway. [[Deconstructor Fleet|In a slight twist]], it's ruled by a [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|''Christian'' communist regime]].
== Video games ==
* ''[[Cold War]]'' centers around an American trapped in one of these.
* The Malden islands and the Republic of Nogova in ''[[Operation Flashpoint]]'' are former [[Commie Land|Commie Lands]], which managed to split from the USSR in the 70s and 80s.
* The Democratic Republic of Sahrani in ''ARMA : Armed Assault''. Chernarus in ''ARMA II'' is [[Hole in Flag|a former]] [[Commie Land]], with one of the factions in the game wanting to restore the past regime.
* Novistrana from ''[[Republic the Revolution|Republic : The Revolution]]''.
