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Deep-running continuity is both a blessing and a curse in television. It rewards long-time viewers with a satisfying story and the feeling that somebody really is paying attention. However, a series that weaves itself together too intricately risks making itself [[Continuity Lock Out|inaccessible to new viewers]] because "you really have to see it from start to finish."
Fear of being dropped into the middle of a plotline they'll never understand without information that's already been given, or fear of investing their time in a series they'll have to get through hundreds of episodes to get a satisfying ending from ([[The Chris Carter Effect|assuming it'll actually have one]]), can keep even the most interested hanger-on from tuning in, a risk that can keep a series with borderline [[Ratings]] from reaching its full potential. Less common now in the days of DVD and Internet file sharing (and [[Comic Books|trade paperbacks]]), where back episodes are available to anyone with the time and money and/or bandwidth. Many networks are also making back episodes of their more popular shows available for viewing online. [['''Commitment Anxiety]]''' can occur as a result of [[Continuity Lock Out]] and [[Continuity Snarl|Continuity Snarls]]s within the work; even with the ease of availability of this material, if the writers make the continuity too impenetrable or convoluted, it can cause people to give up in frustration.
Networks frequently try to draw new viewers despite this anxiety by using a [[Recap Episode]].
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* This is a complaint frequently brought against [[Marvel Universe|mainstream]] [[Superhero]] [[The DCU|comics]], especially the [[X-Men (Comic Book)|X-Titles]]. The tendency towards [[Continuity Snarl|Continuity Snarls]]s does not help.
** Marvel produces special "Point One" (the number of the previous issue, with .1 added to the number) issues to address this problem. However, feelings are mixed. While some do a good job of introducing readers to a series, most fare far worse. Most of them occur right in the middle of a story arc, completely contradicting the point of the issue, are completely irrelevent, or just plain bad.
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* ''[[The Wire]]'' HBO series, notorious for being nigh-impossible to follow if you didn't start from the beginning.
* ''[[Heroes (TV series)|Heroes]]''
* Ron Moore has cited fear of this syndrome as being behind the [[Breather Episode|Breather Episodes]]s on the new ''[[Battlestar Galactica Reimagined]]''.
* ''[[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine]]'' for most of its run. Seasons one and two were rather diligent about sticking to [[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'s [[Monster of the Week]] Formula with the Gamma-quadrant and Bajor-Cardassia back stories being secondary to what ever conflict came through the wormhole that week. Once [[The Empire|The Dominion]] was introduced, every episode had to start with a recap.
* ''[[The Sarah Connor Chronicles]]'' was doomed after two seasons by its interesting but "narratively inhospitable" (to new viewers) tight story arc.
