Community/Recap/S1/E21 Contemporary American Poultry: Difference between revisions

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== The ''[[Community (TV)|Community]]'' episode "Contemporary American Poultry" provides examples of: ==
* [[Affectionate Parody]]: Of mafia movies; primarily ''[[Goodfellas]]'', but ''[[The Godfather (Film)|The Godfather]]'' also gets a few nods.
* [[Almighty Janitor]]: Turns out that the cafeteria fry-cook could control the entire school by controlling the supply of chicken wings.
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Don't take Godfather!Abed for granted. [[What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?|He'll destroy your new backpack, release your monkey, put gum in your hair, disconnect the AV system and]] [[Ho Yay|feed the guy you like chicken fingers]].
* [[Clothing Switch]]: The twist of Abed and Troy's "awesome elevator" trick in [[The Tag]].
* [[Crowning Music of Awesome]]: Part of the movie's homage of ''[[Goodfellas]]'' includes referencing "Layla" for the 'study group getting punished' montage.
* [[Damn, It Feels Good to Be Aa Gangster!]]: Abed, has always wanted to be in a mafia movie.
* [[Dramatic Irony]] / [[Hilarious in Retrospect]]: Jeff tries to convince Abed to go along with his plan by saying that he would get the most important job of all, the fry cook. Abed voices his doubts about it being the most important. But as the rest of the episode proves, it really was.
* [[Drunk Withwith Power]]: The study group gets increasingly spoiled and obnoxious the more powerful they get. Curiously enough, however, Abed himself seems more Drunk With Actually Getting To Connect With People For Once.
* [[Everything's Better Withwith Monkeys]]: Annie's Boobs
{{quote| '''Jeff:''' Why do you have a monkey?<br />
'''Troy:''' It's an animal that looks like a dude, why don't I have ten of them? }}
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{{quote| '''Troy:''' He released Annie's Boobs! Annie's Boobs could be ''anywhere''! Annie's Boobs could be on the side of the ''road'' --<br />
'''Shirley:''' ''[Fed-up]'' We get it! The monkey's name is 'Annie's Boobs'. }}
* [[Ripped from the Headlines]]: Abed states that ''[[Law and& Order (TV)|Law and Order]]'' just started an arc about a lawyer with a fake degree--total ripoff of Jeff.
* [[Serious Business]]: Greendale ''runs'' on chicken fingers.
* [[Scandalgate]]: The school newspaper has a headline which reads "Star-Gate!" and the subhead, "[[Lampshade Hanging|Headline in reference to Watergate,]] [[Stargate|not the 1994 sci-fi film]]."