Community/Recap/S2/E22 Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts: Difference between revisions

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* [[All Asians Are Alike]] (and numerous): Ever tried Googling Ben Chang? Can't be done.
* [[All Issues Are Political Issues]]
{{quote| '''Dean''': (''on the World Food Festival'') There are lunch trucks with 18 ''different'' nationalities of food. You know what? [[Political Correctness Gone Mad|Not different, equal]]. Equal to whites. You know what? Better than whites.}}
* [[Alliterative Name]]: Ben Bennett, Shirley's newborn child.
* [[Apathetic Citizens|Apathetic Students]]: While Shirley's giving birth at the front of the room, most of the non-study group students just to seem to hang around watching.
* [[Blatant Lies]]
{{quote| '''Dean:''' Not to worry, this happens all the time.<br />
'''Reporter:''' Are a lot of babies born in classrooms?<br />
'''Dean:''' Well, a lot more are conceived. No, Paul, that's [[Off the Record]]. And not true. Sort of. }}
* [[Bottle Episode]]: Set entirely in the anthropology classroom, likely because of the super-expensive episodes on either side of it.
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* [[Did Not Do the Research]]: From a gynecologist watching the episode, "You cannot see the head reach the cervix. [[Too Much Information|You have to put your hand in there to feel it.]]" However, [[Rule of Funny]] applies because it led to Britta's reaction.
* [[Dissimile]]:
{{quote| '''Dean:''' The kids look to me like a father figure for my out of the box thinking like, what's that movie? [[Children of the Corn]].}}
* [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Troy giving Pierce the handshake.
{{quote| '''Pierce:''' Earn your money, whore!}}
* [[For the Evulz]]: Pierce buys into Troy and Abed's special handshake and ruins it for them basically because [[Jerkass|he doesn't like it.]]
* [[Granola Girl]]: Shirley is less-than-impressed by Britta's enthusiastic promotion of holistic medicine and natural childbirth -- particularly since, as Jeff points out, Shirley's already had two kids and Britta hasn't had any.
* [[Hard Work Hardly Works]]
{{quote| '''Abed:''' Don't tell any doctors I said this, but at this point the bus pretty much drives itself.}}
* [[Hero of Another Story]]: Vicky, Neil and Starburns point out that all but one class had some focus on the study group.
* [[I Am a Humanitarian]]: Chang talks about how Chang babies are premature because they eat on their mother to gain the nutrients they need.
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* [[Panicky Expectant Father]] (And Possible Father): Subverted; Chang is surprisingly calm and, towards the end at least, helpful. When he shows up, Andre is also quite calm. The Dean, however, despite having no connection to Shirley whatsoever, runs around like a headless chicken for most of the episode.
* [[Pop Cultural Osmosis Failure]]
{{quote| '''Troy:''' (''about the secret handshake'') We just kind of do it when one of us says something awesome.<br />
'''Pierce''': Alright. [[wikipedia:Betty Grable|Betty Grable]].<br />
... <br />
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* [[Screaming Birth]]
* [[Shipping Goggles]]: [[In-Universe]] example. Pierce interpretation of Neil and Vicki interacting.
{{quote| '''Pierce:''' You two gonna fall in love or what?}}
* [[Shout-Out]]:
** When Pierce offers to buy Abed and Troy's celebratory hand gesture, they immediately say "''[[Indecent Proposal]]''!"
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* [[Spotlight-Stealing Squad]]: Lampshaded by [[Recurring Extra|Recurring Extras]], Starburns, Neil and Vicki who snark about almost making it through one class without it all being about the study group.
* [[Spinning Newspaper]]: At the very end, immediately after the Dean celebrates being told he's going to get a cover story for the magazine ''Dean Magazine'' ("I am a good Dean!"), ''Magazine Monthly'' spins into view. Announcing that ''Dean Magazine'' has been shut down.
{{quote| '''Worst idea for a magazine ever.'''}}
** [[Freeze-Frame Bonus|Other cover stories]] question [[Old Media Are Evil|why magazine sales are dropping and whether this "internet" thing is just a fad]].
* [[Straw Feminist]]: Britta, among things, says that 'women have a connection to their bodies men can't understand' (and quickly proves herself wrong) and says that Jeff can't enter a discussion because he forsook the right to do so the day he 'grew a wang'. Which makes it all the more satisfying when she keeps on making a total fool of herself with Shirley.
* [[Take That]]: Abed, while talking Britta through birth coaching, tells her that there's really no need to tell Shirley to push; "From this point on, the bus pretty much drives itself" (But don't tell any doctors that.)
* [[They Just Didn't Care]]: In-universe. Duncan just doesn't give a damn. It's the final exam and everyone's drinking and celebrating that the class is fake.
{{quote| '''Duncan:''' Question #2: How awesome is it that this is a fake class?}}
** It unfortunately backfires on everyone when the Dean brings a reporter around for an unexpected class observation.
** [[The Stinger]] shows that the Dean has been cutting some corners in the school's budget. Namely, the fire alarms aren't actually connected to anything, which is kind of a massive safety violation.