Community/Recap/S2/E24 For a Few Paintballs More: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''[[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|Greendale students]]: [[Misfit Mobilization Moment|I understand you've unified]] [[Do Not Go Gentle|and intend to draw this game out]]. [[War Is Hell|Well, if it's a war you want, it's a war you will lose.]] [[Elite Army|City College is stronger, faster;]] [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking|our sperm counts are higher]], [[Refuge in Audacity|even in our women]]. [[Resistance Is Futile|Resistance is as pointless]] [[Take That|as your degrees]].''|'''Dean Spreck'''}}
[[War Was Beginning|Greendale is at war]]. The school has been all but destroyed by its own students, all playing paintball to win the $100,000 prize offered by Pistol Patty's Ice Creamery. But "Pistol Patty" is really Dean Spreck of City College, who has [[Evil Plan|unleashed this scheme]] to destroy the Greendale campus and has employed ringers such as the Black Rider and his stormtrooper-esque White Clones -- all of whom have been enrolled at Greendale for weeks -- to ensure he doesn't have to pay out the prize. The only hope for saving the school is for one of its students to win the prize and donate it to the school, so the Study Group assembles a [[Ragtag Bunch of Misfits|ragtag bunch of misfit students]] to fight back, stop Dean Spreck and save Greendale Community College.
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'''Annie:''' Welcome to Greendale.<br />
'''Abed:''' You're already dead. }}
* [[ItsIt's Been Done]]: Annie and everyone else consider the idea of a ''[[Star Wars]]'' [[Whole -Plot Reference]] played-out.
* [[Jumping On a Grenade|Jumping on a Paint Grenade]]: Alas, poor {{spoiler|Magnitude}}, we hardly knew ye.
* [[Leeroy Jenkins]]: Vickieeeeee!!!!
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* [[Mission Briefing]]: See above picture.
* [[More Dakka]]: See [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]].
* [[Non -Indicative Name]]: Like the previous episode, the episode title refers to a spaghetti Western. ''Unlike'' the previous episode, the actual episode isn't a Western pastiche in the least.
* [[Now or Never Kiss]]: {{spoiler|Abed and Annie after they've both run out of ammo and are about to be eliminated.}}
* [[Oh Crap]]:
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* [[Paintball Episode]]
* [[Playing Possum]]: {{spoiler|Pierce. It's ambiguous whose side he'll be on all episode, and then when he's left alone with a Stormtrooper, "HHNNNNNNNG!"}}
* [[Pre -Ass -Kicking One -Liner]]: The end of the game.
{{quote| '''Stormtrooper:''' Who are you?<br />
{{spoiler|'''Pierce:'''}} Your mother's lover. (shoots him) }}
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* [[Redemption in The Rain]]: Troy.
* [[The Reveal]]: At the start of the episode Pistol Patty is revealed to be Dean Spreck from the rival City College.
* [[Self -Deprecation]]:
** [[Dan Harmon]] shows up on an admissions poster and is called a loser.
** At the end of the episode, Britta suggested that they take Anthro 201 next semester, and Abed said it was too risky because 'sequels are always disappointing'. This can both be a reference to the Star Wars franchise, and the episode itself, which was a sequel to a [[Sequel Episode]].
* [[Scenery Gorn]]: They ''really'' trashed the school.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Make Them]]: Since Spreck is technically sponsoring the event, he makes it so that if someone get's paint on them, they're out rather than just getting hit by a paintball gun.
** [[Beat Them At Their Own Game]]: Which Troy makes the most of by filling the school's sprinkler system with paint.
* [[Serious Business]]: Paintball was ''already'' [[Serious Business]] at Greendale, but somehow [[Up to Eleven|this episode managed to make it even serious-er]].
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* [[Shout Out]]:
** [[Literary Allusion Title]]: The episode title is taken from ''[[For a Few Dollars More]]''.
** There's the ''[[Star Wars]]'' [[Whole -Plot Reference]], of course...
** A subtler ''[[Star Wars]]'' shout out is the fact that the City College soldiers call each other "White Clones". The Stormtroopers are dressed in white, and are all clones.
** Also ones to war movies. Britta sees people getting "killed" in slow motion like ''[[Saving Private Ryan]]''. Troy poses like Willem Dafoe in ''[[Platoon]]''.
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* [[Wham Line]]:
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''Pierce:'''}} {{spoiler|No thanks, I'm done with you guys.}}}}
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Pierce calls the group out on their treatment of him.
* [[Your Princess Is in Another Castle]]: {{spoiler|Twice. One during the paintball game, and one at the end of the episode.}}