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So of course, it's now the perfect target for any evil terrorists or [[Big Bad]] who wants to make a statement about how evil they are by blowing it - and any prominent public figures who happen to be there - sky high, or by assassinating the famous person at the climax of the production. And since the body count will start increasing at the end of the show, and the show's already started, that means Our Heroes will have to haul ass to the theatre in order to stop it...
Essentially, the Action Movie [[Concert Climax]] involves the [[Big Damn Heroes]] bursting in upon some huge public event to save the day and defeat the bad guys. As the numerous innocents who are also at this production unwittingly risking getting blown up or shot aren't enough, a public notable will also be in attendance at the performance to really up the ante - nine times out of ten, (s)he will be bored stiff with proceedings. Expect the bomb to be planted in the piano, primed to explode at the moment the pianist hits the climactic chord, or for the sniper to be hidden on a gantry above the stage.
In some cases, the heroes may have to actually burst onto the stage and disrupt the performance in order to save the day, leading the confused audience to wonder whether this is [[All Part of the Show]] ([[Hilarity Ensues]], naturally). Other times, the final confrontation will take place off-stage in the wings or behind the backdrop whilst the oblivious patrons enjoy a bit of culture or sport (except, nine times in ten, the celebrated public notable, who will usually be bored stiff), but in these cases don't expect the heroes to be able to slip away unnoticed without their moment in the limelight; usually, after they've saved the day and are exhaustedly gathering their breath, the curtain will choose that moment to rise, exposing the stunned heroes and the chaos that's just been occurring to the entire audience.
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* In ''[[The Sound of Music]]'', the von Trapp family ''acts'' as if the big concert is their farewell to their father (who is theoretically about to go join the German navy) and consequently the end of the movie, but then subverts it by escaping during the judging.
* ''[[A Goofy Movie]]'s'' big climax takes place when Max and Goofy finally make it to the Powerline concert and, as accidentally promised to Roxanne at the beginning of the road trip, perform on stage.
* In ''[[The Man Who Knew Too Much]]'', a murder is planned to take place during the high point of a musical piece to hide the gunshot.
* The climax of the David Mitchell / Robert Webb comedy movie ''[[Magicians]]'' takes place during the finale of a magic show; the tension, however, comes not from having to prevent a murder, but the worry about whether a murder will be ''committed'' - the trick involves a guillotine, and the magician ''in'' the guillotine (Webb) slept with the wife of the magician operating the guillotine (Mitchell), who later killed his wife (accidentally, he protests; deliberately, everyone else thinks) with the same guillotine. {{spoiler|He doesn't.}}
* In ''[[Death to Smoochy]]'', the protagonist is a public figure, who is to be shot by a guy in the rafters, at an ice show arena full of children, at the height of the performance.
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* The opera in ''[[Cowboy Bebop]]'', sort of: the mark was already dead when he was brought to the opera, but they still get a kidnapping in there, albeit not so publicly.
* ''[[Basquash]]!'' builds up [[Idol Singer|Eclipse]]'s final concert, and Dan and company, taking Citron's hint, crash it. Like with most things in the show, a giant robot basketball match breaks out. {{spoiler|Rouge gets her memories back and something happens with the moon.}}
* '' [[Blood Plus]]'' has elements of this trope, with {{spoiler|the final confrontation between Saya and Diva at NYC's Metropolitan Opera.}}
* In the sorta climax of ''[[Hayate the Combat Butler]]'s'' arc just shy of chapter 300, Hayate is at the concert of an idol singer and a person after a picture Hayate has attacks behind the scenes. Hayate finally finds out what they're looking for, and willingly hands it over, but the robots they summoned to force his hand (which were entirely unnecessary as they find out) aren't listening, so Hayate still has to fight it, ending up breaking onto the stage before defeating it.
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* The ending of ''[[The Wedding Singer]]''; slightly unusual, in that it takes place on a plane, but it still involves the romantic song and the [[Concert Kiss|'awww' kiss]] in front of everyone. Help is provided in the form of Billy Idol, who just happens to be on the same flight.
* Non-romantic but no less touching example; the end of ''[[About a Boy]]'', when Marcus is performing 'Killing Me Softly' in the school talent show to the jeers of his classmates... until Will walks on stage with his guitar to join him, thus making it a comedic performance and diverting the bullies attention away from Marcus to himself.
* The finale of ''[[Moulin Rouge]]'', when Satine serenades Christian with the first verse of "Come What May", causing the players to rebel in favour of the real ending, the enraged Duke to [[Murder the Hypotenuse|attempt to shoot Christian himself]], and Harold Zidler to [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|subsequently punch him out.]] [[Concert Kiss|They kiss]] just as the curtain closes. {{spoiler|However, in an unexpected ([[Foregone Conclusion|not exactly]], but the ending of [[Show Within a Show|Spectacular Spectacular!]] is so happy as to make you almost forget what's coming) and poignant twist, [[Downer Ending|Satine dies]] shortly afterwards.}}
* The ending (or one of them, anyway) of ''[[Love Actually]]'' involves a romantic variation of the Action Movie version; the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom going to a school play to find the Downing Street tea girl, with whom he's fallen in love. They eventually find a spot backstage to watch the production, the PM not wanting to upstage the kids - and just as they're getting romantic, the curtain rises, revealing that they're actually in the middle of the stage. So much for keeping it low-key.
* The entire film ''[[August Rush]]'' is essentially one long setup for this, a combined non-romantic (parent-child) and romantic (the two parents) version.
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