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* Many ''[[Resident Evil]]'' fans cannot stand the [[Resident Evil 4|fourth]] and [[Resident Evil 5|fifth game]] because they're not like the original four (and contain ''horrific'' [[Eldritch Abominations]]). However, some of those who have never played a ''Resident Evil'' game before enjoy both of them due to tight controls and an emphasis on action and shooting.
* ''[[Dino Crisis]] 2'' split the fans, with some praising the [[Actionised Sequel]] aspects while others criticised the lack of [[Survival Horror]] elements from the first game.
* Depending on who you ask, ''[[Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty]]'' is either a crowning achievement in gaming or an unspeakable abomination. There is no in-between on this.
** It seems to be a [[Parodied Trope|parody]] and/or [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstruction]] of this trope.
** Arguably, ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]'' is a masterpiece of storytelling, a fitting conclusion to a great series and an irrefutable argument for video games as an art form. Except it's also three hours of shooting and hours upon hours of unnecessarily long cut scenes that really needed to be edited down.
** Most ''[[Metal Gear]]'' games get this to some extent - the two PSP titles (especially ''[[Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops]]'') are sometimes ignored, and even the acclaimed ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater]]'' has its detractors, for mixing up the game play and introducing features such as the Camo Index and maintaining your stamina.
* ''[[Fallout 2]]'' promised an immensely enlarged game world with tons of deep [[Sidequest|Side Quests]] and NPCs, and most fans agree that it delivered. ''Fallout 2'' is also loaded with excessively [[Genre Savvy]] characters, [[No Fourth Wall]] humor and [[Schizo-Tech|out of place elements]], not to mention even more red herrings and broken quests left over from unfinished parts of the game than the original ''Fallout1''.
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* In ''[[The Sims 2]]'' fan circles, ''[[The Sims 3]]'' is jokingly referred to as "[[The Dark Side]]." While the game has its fair share of fans, many Sims 2 players [[Complaining About Games You Don't Play|write it off completely.]] Reasons vary from being too attached to their Sims 2 projects to not liking the way Sims 3 sims look.
* While ''[[Harvest Moon]]: Back to Nature'' is a popular game within the series, being the source of the series most popular titles, it is the [[Mission Pack Sequel]] to the game often considered [[Harvest Moon 64|the best in the series]]. Similar to this is ''Tree of Tranquility'' and ''Animal Parade'', the latter getting major flak due to the slower pacing.
* ''[[YoshisYoshi's Island]]'' DS. The game itself was fairly well received critically bar the music, but fans of the original are pretty much divided over whether it's a good game or as good as the original. You can also say the same about Yoshi's Story (and people who like the former tend to dislike the latter and vice versa).
* ''[[StarTropics]]'' II: Is it an [[Even Better Sequel]] or a sequel that lacks the punch its predecessor had? Keep in mind that both games have their fans (and sometimes they like both games). However, some fans of the first don't like how in the sequel, it can be easy for Mike to get killed by monsters due to no [[Mercy Invincibility]]. Another common complaint was the addition of time travel to the plot, most of which had nothing to do with the tropics. This angered some of the fans of the first game. It's still by no means a bad game or a bad sequel.
* [[Dynasty Warriors]] 6. While most fans will say it sucks, there are a significant number who actually enjoyed the game. Almost everyone agrees that the others are better, though.