Contested Sequel: Difference between revisions

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** ''[[Star Trek III: The Search For Spock]]''. Successfully-executed thematic sequel to ''The Wrath Of Khan'', or massively disappointing follow-up to the same?
** ''[[Star Trek Generations]]'': A good transitional film between the "old guard" and the Next Gen crew, or a feature-length episode of the television series that dispenses with the franchise's original defining main character in a [[Dropped a Bridge on Him|hamfisted way]]?
** ''[[Star Trek: Nemesis]]'': A decent (if not exactly amazing) conclusion for the Next Gen crew, or a mediocre episode padded to two hours with a tacked-on character death and inoffensive subplot resolution to imbue false significance?
** JJ Abrams' ''[[Star Trek (film)|Star Trek]]'' film is the highest-grossing in the franchise, and proved to be one of the few rebooted films that received critical and commercial acclaim by using time-travel to change the focus to an alternate-universe version of the original series crew. Yet, there still exists a segment of the fanbase that believes the film [[Canon Defilement|destroyed the history of the franchise]] and irrevocably altered the plot lines of future films by having the crew [[Everyone Went to School Together|attend Starfleet Academy together]].
* The [[Daniel Craig]] [[James Bond]] movies. Either one loves the return to the series' roots, or wants every old cliché back, though there are those who like the older films too.
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** It seems to be a [[Parodied Trope|parody]] and/or [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstruction]] of this trope.
** Arguably, ''[[Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]]'' is a masterpiece of storytelling, a fitting conclusion to a great series and an irrefutable argument for video games as an art form. Except it's also three hours of shooting and hours upon hours of unnecessarily long cut scenes that really needed to be edited down.
** Most ''[[Metal Gear]]'' games get this to some extent - the two PSP titles (especially ''[[Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops]]'') are sometimes ignored, and even the acclaimed ''[[Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater]]'' has its detractors, for mixing up the game play and introducing features such as the Camo Index and maintaining your stamina.
* ''[[Fallout 2]]'' promised an immensely enlarged game world with tons of deep [[Sidequest|Side Quests]] and NPCs, and most fans agree that it delivered. ''Fallout 2'' is also loaded with excessively [[Genre Savvy]] characters, [[No Fourth Wall]] humor and [[Schizo-Tech|out of place elements]], not to mention even more red herrings and broken quests left over from unfinished parts of the game than the original ''Fallout1''.
* ''[[Fallout 3]]'':