Carter: I thought I was going to be sick... I'm sorry.
Dr. Greene: Don't ever say you're sorry. See, there are two kinds of doctors: there's the kind that gets rid of their feelings, and the kind that keeps them. If you're going to keep your feelings, you're going to get sick from time to time. That's just how it works.

ER, The Pilot

-177 episodes later

Gallant: I'm sorry... I just thought I was going to be sick.

Dr. Carter: You know, there are two kinds of doctors: the kind that get rid of their feelings, and the kind that hold on to them. If you're going to hold on to your feelings, you're going to get sick every once in a while. That's part of it. Helping people is more important than how we feel. Hell, I've been doing this eight years, and I still get sick.
ER, The Letter (The Episode when Greene died.)

Well, look what the Underground threw up... lets see how well you do in the daylight.
Need for Speed: Most Wanted
Coincidentally, 17 is the same number of times I helped prevent prostate cancer today. By the way, that's a throwback to last week's episode. Our regular viewers have been rewarded for their loyalty. Thanks, mom!

Larry: (showing a photo to the family) Hey, I'm looking for this guy. Anyone know who he is?
Bart: Yeah, sure, we know him. That's Mr. Burns.
Lisa: He tried to kill our puppies.[1]
Marge: He sexually harassed me.[2]
Abe: He stole my fiancee.[3]
Homer: He made fun of my weight.[4]

Larry: Okay, so there's been a little friction. Know his address?
The Simpsons, "Burns, Baby, Burns"
  1. "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds"
  2. "Marge Gets a Job"
  3. "Lady Bouvier's Lover"
  4. "Brush With Greatness"