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A person decides to become part of a religion due to some sort of romantic interest.
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== [[Comic Books]] ==
* In ''[[Maus]]'', the [[Author Avatar]]'s wife converted to Judaism to please his father. Since the characters of ''Maus'' are represented by [[Funny Animal|Funny Animals]]s, this makes her turn from a frog (she's French) to a mouse.
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* In ''[[The Big Lebowski]]'', Walter had converted to Judaism for his wife, and remains as such, despite being divorced.
* In ''[[Keeping the Faith]]'', Christian Anna Riley converts to Judaism so she can marry rabbi Jack Schram.
* Implied to happen after the end of ''Kiss Me Guido,'' as the older brother and his love interest (the younger brother's landlady) are getting busy on the couch in the theater lobby; he (in muffled tones) asks "Will you convert [to Catholicism] for me?" and she says yes.
* A particularly interesting instance in ''The Believer'', where the girl appears to have converted to Judaism by the end of the movie. Thanks to her self-hating Jewish boyfriend. Who's a Neo-Nazi.
* ''[[Les Misérables]]'' (the Jean-Paul Belmondo version) features an example of this.
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* Katya and Leisl both join the Church of Lathander in the [[Ravenloft]] novel ''Vampire of the Mists'' because [[Love Triangle|they're in love with Sasha]], the priest.
* Faye Kellerman's ''Peter Decker'' series has Decker convert to Judaism in order to be with Rina Lazarus.
** He didn't convert. He was born Jewish (had a Jewish mother) but was adopted and raised by Southern Baptists.
* Averted in [[Harry Kemmelman]]'s ''Conversations with Rabbi Small''. Additional twists: the girl want's to pursue conversion despite insistence by both Small and her fiancee that they aren't interested. (Small is more concerned with reverting the non-servant man). But she turns out to be genetically Jewish anyway.
* In ''[[The Godfather]]'', Kay (a Protestant) converts to Catholicism after marrying Michael. In fact she turns out to be far more into her new faith than he ever was since Michael is actually ''annoyed'' at her insistence in raising their kids Catholic (he wanted them to be brought up Protestant and thus more assimilated into American culture.)
* In ''[[The Alien Series]]'', Serene attends catechism classes at a Catholic church, despite being her family's religion being so important to them they were willing to go into exile on Earth for it, because she's trying to get closer to her Catholic crush.
* Ulrika in ''[[The Emigrants]]'' converts to Christianity's Baptist denomination in order to marry a Baptist priest.
* In ''[[The Long Ships]]'', Orm has to convert to Christianity to marry the beautiful Ylva. (From Islam, of all religions; he'd already converted from the Norse religion to serve under Caliph Almansur.)
* In ''People of the Book'', Reuben Ben Shoushan converts to Christianity to marry his Catholic sweetheart. This being Spain in 1492, [[The Spanish Inquisition|it really doesn't]] [[Cold-Blooded Torture|end well]].
* Subverted in Swedish science fiction novel ''Iskriget (The Ice War)'', in which neither Catholic Linda nor Wesleyan (i.e. Methodist) Johnny convert -- theyconvert—they just have a Catholic wedding. Considering that in this alternate history the Wesleyans appear to be openly disliked by a lot of authoritarian governments for their stance on social justice, it was probably the most practical solution.
== [[Live Action TV]] ==
* George converts to Latvian Orthodoxy briefly for a girlfriend in ''[[Seinfeld]]'', only to lose the girlfriend anyway. (According to [[The Other Wiki]], the writer of that episode had no idea that Latvian Orthodox was a real sect -- hesect—he was trying to make up a fictional one.)
** [[You Fail Religious Studies Forever|"Is this the group that mutilates squirrels?!"]]
* Charlotte converts to Judaism for her eventual husband in ''[[Sex and the City]]''.
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* In ''[[Arrested Development (TV series)|Arrested Development]]'', George Michael tries to ante-up the game with <s>Bland</s> Ann by attending her religious protests and family Christmas party.
* In ''[[The OC]]'' Summer plans on converting to Judaism for Seth. Interestingly averted with Seth's mother Kirsten who is confirmed several times as not converting and is happily married anyway.
* In a [[Law and Order: Criminal Intent]] episode called, ''Shandeh'', the victim was a Catholic woman who converted to Judaism for her husband.
* A storyline on the prime time soap ''Sisters'' had youngest sister Frankie converting to Judaism with her husband Mitch. Interestingly, she was not converting to join his religion--theyreligion—they were ''both'' Christian and decided to convert after Mitch attended some services that gave him an insight into Jewish life.
* Janelle from ''Sister Wives'' says that she fell for Kody and the faith came later. With the later revelation that {{spoiler|her mom married Kody's dad shortly before Janelle and Kody got married}}, it seems there was also some [[Converting for Love]] there.
* In ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'', Cuddy's mother had converted to Judaism for her husband. While House is dating Cuddy, she asks whether he intends to convert to Judaism as well. As he claims being an atheist, she just says that so are most Jews and that it's more about community.
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== [[Theatre]] ==
* In the opera ''Madama Butterfly'', Butterfly secretly converts on the night before her wedding so she can worship the God of her husband-to-be. For this, she is disowned by all her relatives.
* In ''[[Fiddler Onon the Roof]]'', youngest daughter Chava converts to Christianity so that she can marry a Christian. She is effectively dead to her father, and by extension the rest of her family, for most of the rest of the play.
* Jessica does this in ''[[The Merchant of Venice]]'', becoming a Christian after she elopes with Lorenzo.
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* Autumn Kelly had to convert from Catholicism to Anglicanism to marry [[British Royal Family|Peter Phillips]] (Princess Anne's son), because if he married a Catholic he'd have to give up his place in the succession.
* Bobby Jindal, the current Governor of Louisiana, converted to Catholicism in high school after falling in love with a Catholic girl. This is why he doesn't go by his real name (it's not Robert, but rather, a Hindu name that he wants nothing to do with). [[Did Not Get the Girl|He didn't wind up marrying her,]] but he did remains a devout Catholic.
* [[Marilyn Monroe]] converted to Judaism when she married Arthur Miller.
* So did [[Elizabeth Taylor]], when she married her third husband, Mike Todd.
* Singer-songwriter Jim Croce also converted to Judaism upon marrying his wife Ingrid.
* [[J. R. R. Tolkien|JRR Tolkien]]'s wife Edith converted from Protestantism to Catholicism for their marriage. This experience is quite unambiguously the basis for the recurring motif of immortal women marrying mortal (or at least lesser-ranked) men in Tolkien's work, such as Arwen marrying Aragorn in ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'', in the process irreversibly separating from her people or origin.<ref>Other examples are: Luthien and Beren, Idril and Tuor (from ''[[The Silmarillion]]''); also Melian and Elwe and Galadriel and Celeborn, where the husbands are immortal but still descendants of a lower "class" than their wives.</ref>
