Courage the Cowardly Dog/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[All There in the Script]]: He's never referred to by name, though his name is known.
* [[Amusing Injuries]]: One of numerous ways in which the show punishes him for how much of a douche he is.
* [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy]]: Especially when he brags about how "invincibly superior" Mecha-Courage supposedly is to Courage in "Courage VS Mecha-Courage"; [[Curb Stomp Battle|he isn't entirely wrong about that]], however.
* [[Asian and Nerdy]]
* [[Asian Drivers]]: Especially when he parks his car all the way across an open road in "Hothead".
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* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Watch where you're going, ya foo'!"
* [[Cool Shades]]: His version of Eustace's [[Sinister Shades]].
* [[Dirty Coward]]: Especially when he gets caught "[[Human Sacrifice|de-boning]]" Muriel and pretends that he was "re-boning" her.
* [[Eviler Than Thou]]: He seems to be one of these to Eustace, complete with the glasses (of which Di Lung's are [[Cool Shades|sunglasses]] rather than reading glasses), the chin (which is [[Thin Chin Of Sin|pointy]] while Eustace's is [[Lantern Jaw Of Justice|bulky]]), the [[Bad People Abuse Animals|incredibly abusive relationship with Courage]] (unlike Eustace, Di Lung attempts to actually kill Courage on a fairly regular basis whenever an episode [[A Day In The Limelight|gives him an even remotely major role in itself]]), the [[Annoying Laugh]] (Eustace's is a stereotypical "old man laugh" while Di Lung's is an ''[[Up To Eleven|extremely]]'' stereotypical "Asian laugh"), and even the personality ([[Psychopathic Manchild]] for both of them, with Di Lung seemingly being a [[Royal Brat]] while Eustace is just a regular [[Spoiled Brat]] due to his wife). However, Eustace is ''genuinely'' [[Too Dumb To Live]], whereas Di Lung is an [[Insufferable Genius]] who often ''acts'' [[Too Dumb To Live]] due to [[Arrogant Kung Fu Guy|how arrogant he is]]. Also, Di Lung and Eustace are both ''massive'' sources of [[Hypocritical Humor]].
* [[Flat Character]]: He is a stereotypical "rich Asian jerk" and practically nothing else.
* [[Freeze-Frame Bonus]]: Ma Bagge's and the Dancing Rats' reactions to [[Watch Where You're Going |his]] [[You Fool!|catchphrase]] in "Scuba-Scuba Doo" and "The Nutcracker"; Ma attempts to attack him with her bare hands, while the Rats [[Death Glare |angrily glare]] at him.
* [[Geek Physiques]]: He has a downright-''horrifically'' skinny one, adding to his stereotypical Asian-ness.
* [[Genius Ditz]]: He may generally act like a '''complete''' idiot (especially when delivering his infamous [[Catch Phrase|catchphrase]]), but when it comes to science and engineering, he is '''absurdly''' talented to say the '''least'''.
* [[Gross Up Close-Up]]: Him showing off his eleventh toe in "Courage The Fly".
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* [[Not Me This Time]]: When he surprisingly-''not''-[[Hypocritical Humor|completely-hypocritically]] yells [[Watch Where You're Going|his]] [[You Fool|catchphrase]] at the titular water dragon in "Food Of The Dragon" as punishment for it stepping on his car and therefore making him unable to properly get his groceries back home; [[Fridge Brilliance|he still shouldn't be living in Nowhere in the first place, however]].
* [[Recurring Extra]]
* [[Royal Brat]]: Heavily implied by the fact that the [[Polar Opposite Twins|Good and Evil Empresses]] of China are his aunts.
* [[Running Gag|Running Gags]]: [[Watch Where You're Going|His]] [[You Fool!|catchphrase]] and his constant wrecking of his car.
* [[Show Within a Show]]: He makes one of these [[It's All About Me|about himself]] so that he can steal money from his fans.
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* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]
* [[Smarter Than You Look|Smarter Then He Looks]]: He's actually quite smart when you think that he was able to build things like Mecha-Courage or make Magic Chemicals (Even if at first he failed at making what he wanted: A Water Buffalo). He was also a former student of the "Perfect" Teacher.
* [[Smug Snake]]: As downright-impossibly talented as Di Lung is, his talent is still utterly '''dwarfed''' by his ego.
--> '''Di Lung (talking about Mecha-Courage):''' Give up, dog! '''I''' win bet! '''New''' dog in town! He better than you! Better than you in every way! [[Department of Redundancy Department|Better than you in every]] '''[[Department of Redundancy Department|other]]''' [[Department of Redundancy Department|way!]] No '''way''' you beat him! [[Tempting Fate|No way you]] '''[[Tempting Fate|ever]]''' [[Tempting Fate|beat him!]]
* [[Sunglasses At Night]]: He literally does this in "Fishy Business", "The Nutcracker", and "Cabaret Courage".
* [[Thin Chin of Sin]]: Possibly his version of Eustace's [[Lantern Jaw of Justice|Lantern Jaw of Injustice]].
* [[Triangle Shades]]
* [[Unsexy Sadist]]: Whenever he gets a major role in an episode; he [[Curb Stomp Battle|makes Mecha-Courage beat the real Courage nearly to death]] for his own amusement in "Courage VS Mecha-Courage", attempts to [[Colony Drop|make a satellite fall onto Courage's house]] (and, of course, [[Bad People Abuse Animals|also performs utterly horrific experiments on Courage himself]]) for his own amusement in "Courage The Fly", and even ''[[Nightmare Fetishist|removes Muriel's skeleton]]'' for his own amusement in "Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog". He also kicks Courage into a sewer for his own amusement in "Cabaret Courage".
* [[You Fool!]]
