Courage the Cowardly Dog: Difference between revisions

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* [[Ambiguously Brown]]: Mad Dog looks (and acts) like a highly stereotypical [[Scary Black Man]] and has rather-distinctly brown fur, but fur colors are not necessarily the same thing as skin colors.
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: "Modern" China looking '''considerably''' more like Ancient China in ''Squatting Tiger, Hidden Dog''.
* [[Asian and Nerdy]]: Di Lung is about as [[Ethnic Scrappy|stereotypically]] Asian as cartoon characters get, and also [[GeniusDitzGenius Ditz|about as talented]].
* [[Asian Drivers]]: Di Lung, whose '''first appearance''' has him parking his [[Cool Car|red vintage hot rod]] all the way across an open road before then yelling "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE ''GOING'', YA '''''FOOL'''''" at Eustace [[Hypocritical Humor|in response to causing Eustace to nearly crash his truck into said car]]. Needless to say, [[Understatement|Eustace is]] '''[[Understatement|not]]''' [[Understatement|amused]].
* [[Asian Rudeness]]: The main personality trait of Di Lung and the Evil Empress.
* [[Ask a Stupid Question]]: Courage always does this with the computer, though he isn't really asking a stupid question, it's how the computer interprets it. Here's an example:
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'''Courage:''' Ooooh, ''forget the DOOR!!'' }}
* [[Conspicuous CG]]: The carriage from the mattress episode, the anvil from the precious duckling episode, and the rug in the living room. Most notable in "The Queen of the Black Puddle" where the Black Puddle Queen bumps her head onto the rug when trying to catch Courage and Eustace. Also King Ramses. "Hard Drive Courage" takes it to an extreme by having Courage animated in CGI when he first enters cyberspace- though here, it's justified: he's rendered in computerized graphics [[Shaped Like Itself|inside said computer]].
** Also, do '''not''' even get us started on the Blue Thing from ''Perfect''...
* [[Context Sensitive Button]]: Goes on all the time.
* [[Continuity Cavalcade]]: "Ball of Revenge".
* [[Continuity Nod]]: The events that happened in "The Snowman Cometh", "Freaky Fred", and "The Queen of the Black Puddle" were mentioned in the episode "Mega Muriel the Magnificent".
* [[Cool and Unusual Punishment]]: In a number of episodes. For example, in "Ball of Revenge", Katz puts colour and white clothing together in the washing machine. Muriel's screaming ensues.
* [[Cool Car]]: Di Lung has a rather impressive car that appears to be a red vintage Corvette.
* [[Cool Shades]]: Most notably [[Ragin' Cajun|Cajun Fox]]'s and [[Asian Rudeness|Di]] [[Insufferable Genius|Lung]]'s pairs of them.
* [[Cowardly Lion]]/[[The So-Called Coward]]: Courage, of course.
* [[Crapsack World]]: It's hard to expect any good definition to come out of "The Middle of Nowhere", but any backwater in a ''horror'' plot is screwed; guaranteed.
