Crapsack World/Anime and Manga: Difference between revisions

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** However, there are the Seven Ghosts of Pieta which are trying to change the continent, either by killing an [[Eldritch Abomination]] greater than the others (Priscilla for Clare), or is leading a full scale rebellion against the Organization (Miria). So far...both seem to be succeeding.
* Played extremely straight in the anime ''[[Texhnolyze]]''. The entire population of Lux are either: a) evil, selfish bastards, b) poor broken [[Woobie|woobies]], or c) some combination of the two. Not to mention that they all live in a cave underground and the entire city survives because of Rafia, {{spoiler|[[Human Resources|which grows from people]]}}.
* ''[[Ergo Proxy]]''. 85% of the world's population has been wiped out. The outside environment is completely destroyed and most people who set foot outside are killed from infection. People on Earth {{spoiler|are unable to reproduce}}. Essentially all humans on Earth live in dystopic domes. What's more, the [[Ridiculously -Human Robots]] are all going insane, and the... things... directly ruling the Earth will all die {{spoiler|when the permanent cloud cover dissipates and they get exposed to UV radiation}}.
* ''[[Wolfs Rain|Wolf's Rain]]'' takes place 200 years [[After the End]] of civilization as ''we'' know it. Most of humanity is crammed into crumbling domed concrete cities ruled by warring Nobles, and the environment outside is slowly decaying. Maybe the most telling line in the entire series is spoken by the wolf Hige, who looks at the sky and says, "C'mon, birds, let's see some flying up there." But we don't see any birds at all after that -- maybe they're all extinct. {{spoiler|Until the final episode, when the world is regenerated}}.
** Not quite. {{spoiler|That world was the ''previous one'' before ours, and while the world did regenerate, it was corrupted by [[Big Bad|Darcia]]'s bloody eye falling in the purifying waters of rebirth, making the next world (ours) also a far cry from Paradise. There is still some hope left, though, as in the last shot [[Here We Go Again|a reincarnated Kiba appears to start his quest for Paradise anew]].}}
* Modern Tokyo is portrayed as a [[World Half Empty]] in ''[[Tokyo Babylon]]'', with frequent suicides, dreary lives, and gloomy commentary on consumerism. All designed to [[Break the Cutie]], naturally.
** And its sequel, [[X 1999]], is hardly nicer. {{spoiler|The only two options seem to be "[[Kill All Humans]]" or"[[GaiasGaia's Lament|Let Them Kill The Planet]]", and nobody's yet figured out how to [[Take a Third Option]].}}
* Post-apocalyptic Tokyo in ''[[Akira (Manga)|Akira]]''.
* The Future that Trunks came from in ''[[Dragon Ball (Manga)|Dragon Ball Z]]'', a ravaged post-apocalyptic wreck where two powerful Androids go around killing anyone who opposes them, and have already killed the most powerful heroes of Earth. What makes it worse is that the [[Reset Button|Dragon Balls]] are gone because Kami, who shares a soul with Piccolo, one of the aforementioned heroes, is dead.