Creative Closing Credits: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories|Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories]]'' had various characters walking in on the sides while they displayed the true quality of the GBA by playing [[Kingdom Hearts/Awesome Music|the full vocal version of Simple and Clean with almost the same quality as on the PS2]].
** Similarly, the credits of ''[[Kingdom Hearts II]]'' had a [[Where Are They Now]] thing going on, showing small videos of the different characters Sora met in his journey after all the problems were took care of. Special mention goes to [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|King Mickey finally returning to his Queen and subjects at Disney Castle]]. Little guy [[Earn Your Happy Ending|earned it]].
** This in turn was carried on in ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep]]''. Many of these allude to future events and themes that would play on later, from {{spoiler|1=Isa and Lea buying sea salt ice cream from Scrooge McDuck to [[Lilo and Stitch (Disney film)|Experiment 626]] flying off to a mysterious blue planet. Again, one of the most touching moments involves King Mickey, who, having failed to save the three heroes, returns the star shard and his keyblade to Master Yen Sid and turns to walk away... [[Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep/Heartwarming|Only for Yen Sid to return the Keyblade to him]], signifying that he passed the Mark of Mastery exam.}}
* ''[[Final Fantasy IX]]'' had various FMV clips from the game play on the side of the scrolling credits while they turned on the vocal version of the game's theme: Melodies of Life.
** ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' [[Older Than They Think|did it first]], showing the various craziness of the main party characters as they celebrate in Balamb Garden. It's not until the very, ''very'' end of the credits that you get confirmation that {{spoiler|Squall is still alive}}.