Crimson Gem Saga: Difference between revisions

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* [[Floating Continent]]: The place where Henson's master lives, though it's never actually shown and you only visit in a cutscene.
* [[Game Breaker]]: Very much the Grace of God [[Combination Attack]]. Full party immunity for eight turns! With careful strategy, even the hardest [[Bonus Boss|Bonus Bosses]] can't touch you.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Ladhuk, the aforementioned Mr. 7-Hit Critical, is a bare-fisted Monk with crappy defense. Spinel qualifies as well, as her high chance for criticals makes her a [http://en.[ per second|damage-per-second]] beast, even early in the game.
* [[Global Airship]]: Teased, but surprisingly averted for a game with such old-school sensibilities. There's one in the title screen cinematic, but none to be seen in-game.
* [[Gold Fever]]: Given that the very nature of the Wicked Stones is to tempt the hearts of Men, it shouldn't come as a surprise that {{spoiler|two of your party members turn against you at the worst possible moment.}}
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Spinel--a [[Fetish Fuel|dusky-skinned, pink-haired elf in a leather bikini]]. It doesn't hurt that her in-combat sprite has [[Jiggle Physics]].
* [[Nominal Importance]]: Subverted. Every NPC has a unique name and there's a fair amount of variety in their sprites, many of which are animated, like someone repairing a roof. (Of course, it's always [[You All Look Familiar|that same guy]] repairing the roofs in every village.)
* [[Now Where Was I Going Again?]]: An in-game quest log often gives you explicit directions to your next objective, assuming the strict linearity of the game itself isn't enough for you to figure it out.
* [[The Precursors]]: The [[Big Bad]]'s plot revolves around {{spoiler|resurrecting an ancient elven emperor to destroy the world, despite there being no indication that the guy was even really evil.}}
* [[Preexisting Encounters]]: Enemies can be seen on screen and usually avoided, including some bosses and even certain story events, so you know in advance when you should prepare for the worst. Enemies roaming the map can recognize you and charge in for an ambush, but you can ensure initiative by approaching from behind. A brief period of invincibility after encounters lets you approach another enemy without fear, meaning you can chain together every encounter in the room and never lose initiative.
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* [[Save Point]]: Averted, you can save anywhere. It's a wonder some other games for mobile platforms haven't figured this out yet.
* [[Saving the World]]: Averted...? It's never really clear what the [[Big Bad]] is planning to do.
* [[Shout -Out]]: The Wrath of God [[Combination Attack]] consists of a [[Monty Python's Flying Circus|giant bare foot]] stomping on your enemies.
* [[So Long and Thanks For All The Gear]]: Party members will depart and (sometimes) rejoin your team with no warning.
* [[Sorting Algorithm of Weapon Effectiveness]]: Not only do the podunk villages at the ass ends of the world sell better gear than settlements and cities that are supposedly on major trade routes, but the prices skyrocket so high that much of the game will be spent grinding more for money than levels. Somewhat justified in that the game is strictly linear, so you have no real choice over where in the world you're going.
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[[Category:Crimson Gem Saga]]