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Crimsonland is a top-down action game. You maneuver around a featureless plain killing aliens, zombies and other nasty things as they wander onto or teleport into the screen. Your goal is to survive. To help you, powerups occasionally spawn from slain enemies: they either give you some kind of bonus (slow motion, freeze, and so on) or a new weapon (shotgun, plasma minigun, ion rifle, etc). As you kill monsters, gain XP, and level up, you are granted "perks" that may be beneficial, or may involve some kind of tradeoff for a benefit. "Long Distance Runner," for instance, lets you run faster if you keep moving. "Death Clock" makes you invincible, but you drop dead in 30 seconds.
There are four game modes, one of which is a secret end-game mode.
* In Quest mode, you are required to kill a certain number of bad guys (and any that dynamically spawn from spawn points) who come at you in some kind of pattern. In one quest, you may have dopey aliens wandering around in squads. In another, you may fight plasma-breathing spiders while tiny little spiders harass you. In another, every monster might be invisible. Finishing a quest unlocks a perk or weapon.
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* [[Awesome but Impractical]]: Many guns are powerful but have ridiculous reload times. There are perks to help with this. Good examples are the Plasma Shotgun and the Mean Minigun. The Minigun has the additional disadvantage of making you slower in a game where running is a primary means of survival.
** Special mention goes to the Splitter gun, which is available [[Nintendo Hard|after beating every single level on Hardcore mode]]. When the bullet strikes a mook, the bullet splits in two, then those bullets can split again and again and again by striking additional mooks. The drawback is that the bullets from this Splitter can hurt your character, and with swarms of monsters in Survival mode, the game becomes a literal [[Bullet Hell]]. This gun is really useful, though, when picked mid-to-late-game, coupled with powerups and invincibility, it can take care even of those [[Made of Diamond]] mooks.
* [[Awesome but Practical]]: The most generally useful guns, like the Ion Cannon, are also kinda badass.
* [[Cast Fromfrom Hit Points|Shoot From Hit Points]]: One perk turns your HP into ammo when you are reloading, so that you can keep firing at the cost of some HP. One other perk does this with your ''XP''.
* BFG: Anything with "cannon" in the name. The miniguns probably count, too, and some of the special shotguns are close.
* [[Disc One Nuke]]: You could very well get Bonus Magnet, Bonus Economist, and Telekinesis as your first three perks. This makes most levels and early Survival relatively easy. In a different sense, once you've unlocked them there's always a chance your first weapon could be a BFG.
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* [[Grim Reaper]]: [[Game Over|The Reaper Got You]]...
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: You can carry at most two guns, and you need a perk to do that. [[Hammerspace|There's nothing stopping you from taking two Cannons, though, and your character is never shown actually carrying the other one.]]
* [[Joke Item]]: The Blowtorch. It's a flamethrower with a range about as long as your nose. It's actually fairly strong, but the range is so short that it's nearly impossible to use well.
* [[Ludicrous Gibs]]: A low-key example, given that it's all just blood. Although the game does earn its name by the end of a round. Blood and enemy corpses do not disappear. Ever.
* [[Meta Powerup]]: One of the perks gives you a wider selection of perks at levelup.
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* [[More Dakka]]: Fast-firing guns are a key to surviving. There are perks and powerups that do nothing but make your guns shoot faster.
* [[Not Completely Useless]]: Even the Blowtorch has its uses. Try it on things that can't move.
* [[Power-Up Letdown]]:
** Some perks are... we'll say "extremely situational." This mostly applies to ones that either put you in a near-death state, or change the conditions for dying--like Death Clock. Like most of the game's perks, though, they're [[Not Completely Useless]].
** Running over a weapon that doesn't suit your perks can cause this. Between the ability to pick up stuff by pointing at it (yes, it's a perk) and the hordes of monsters, it's sometimes very easy to grab that Pistol by accident. There's a perk to keep this from happening, though.
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* [[Power-Up Food]]: ''Here, eat this bandage.''
* [[Randomly Drops]]: Weapon drops are random, so you might spend a long time looking for your favorite weapon--and if you switch away from the pistol, the drop rate for weapons decreases. If your first monster drops an SMG or Assault Rifle, you're in for a long round.
* [[Short-Range Shotgun]]: Actually, averted. All the shotguns do ridiculous damage up close, but only the sawed-off is useless at long range.
* [[Smart Bomb]]: There's a perk that kills everything on the screen. It costs 2/3 of your health to take it, and it only works once. The disease from the "Plaguebearer" perk can act this way, too, if the screen is crowded.
** There's also the Nuke, a vicinity smart bomb powerup that explodes a considerable radius of Mooks when you touch it.
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[[Category:Action Game]]