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[[File:SkullDan2_1764.jpg|link=Stargate SG-1 (TV)|frame|[[He-Man and Thethe Masters of Thethe Universe (Animation)|By the power]] of ''this'' skull!]]
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== [[Film]] ==
* ''[[Indiana Jones and Thethe Kingdom of The Crystal Skull (Film)|Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of Thethe Crystal Skull]]'' had them as the skulls of extra-dimensional aliens with whole skeletons made of cyrstal.
* ''[[The Phantom (Filmfilm)|The Phantom]]'' revolved around gathering three mystic skulls carved entirely from precious materials.
== Live-Action Television ==
* A crystal skull was found in a giant alien pyramid in ''[[Stargate SG-1]]''. It matched one found in an ancient Mayan temple back on Earth. Apparently, Quetzalcoatl was actually a giant alien - [[All Myths Are True|no surprise there]] - and the skulls are a way of contacting him.
* ''[[Arthur C. Clarke (Creator)]]'s Mysterious World'' used a crystal skull in its opening titles.
* In an episode of ''[[Peep Show]]'', Mark meets a woman whom he actually likes. Too bad for him she fervently believes in the magical powers of crystal skulls. [[Man Hands|This is a bit much for him.]]
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== [[Video Games]] ==
* The ''[[Nancy Drew (Videovideo Gamegame)|Nancy Drew]]'' video game, ''Legend of the Crystal Skull''
* ''[[Zork (Video Game)|Zork]]'' has a crystal skull treasure to collect.
* Parodied in ''[[Kingdom of Loathing (Video Game)|Kingdom of Loathing]]'' with the crystal skull, which is used to scare away monsters and turns out to consist of worthless glass.
* ''[[La -Mulana]]'' has one as a late-game item.
* A crystal skull appears in ''[[Spelunky (Video Game)|Spelunky]]'' as a treasure in [[Jungle Japes]] levels. Trying to take one automatically summons a ghost, but bringing it to the exit is worth a lot of money.
== [[Western Animation]] ==