Cthulhu Mythos/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Having a Gay Old Time]]: A more serious example, in which Lovecraft described Azathoth as ''The Nuclear Chaos''. At the time, "nuclear" referred to something in the center, as in nucleus. As time went on, "Nuclear" became associated with atomic energy and weapons. Latter writers took advantage of this, and made Azathoth the patron of radiation.
* [[King of All Cosmos]]: One of the weirdest supreme beings out there.
* [[Mad God]]: The Blind Idiot.
* [[Magical Flutist]]: The Servitors of the Outer Gods, who play flutes and drums to Azathoth. Needless to say, the music likely isn't pleasant to human ears.
* [[Primordial Chaos]]: Lovecraft called it "Ultimate Chaos". Later authors made Azathoth an inversion: It wasn't always ultimate chaos. It became that way after losing its mind.
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== ''Eihort'' ==
A giant gelatinous oval with many legs, Eihort wanders the labyrinth-like underground tunnels of [[Campbell Country|the Severn Valley]]. When encountering a mortal, Eihort will chase and corner them, then offer to lead them out of the tunnels in return for letting it implant its egg inside their body. Should they refuse, Eihort will just smash them into a bloody pulp... which isn't really worse than those who accept its offer, as the egg will eventually hatch, and the victim's body will ''shatter'' into countless brood of Eihort.
* [[Body Surf]]: The upside to Eihort's bargain: It'll let you experience other lives in other places. Of course, the reverse is true: Eihort's servants could jump into the Bargainer's body, and have that person face some rather horrible experiences.
* [[Bilingual Bonus]]: Eihort's name roughly translates to [[Meaningful Name|"Egg Hoard"]] in German.
* [[Heads I Win, Tails You Lose]]: You're pretty much screwed once Eihort catches you.
* [[Face Full of Alien Wingwong]]: Eihort implants eggs inside human bodies.
* [[Freak-Out]]: When the time comes for Eihort's brood to emerge, the bargainer begins to feel some weird ''sensations''.
* [[The Maze]]: Where Eihort dwells.
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