Cthulhu Saves the World: Difference between revisions

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* [[Teaser Equipment]]: Yhere's some extremely high level armor for the [[Staff Chick]] in the first shop you find. The price is suitably high.
* [[Time Limit Boss]]: If the [[Bonus Boss]] isn't beaten in a few turns, he uses an unavoidable [[Total Party Kill]] attack.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Umi is a so-so [[Staff Chick]] in the main campaign, but your most powerful damage-dealer in ''Chtulhu's Angels''. {{spoiler|Since she's wielding Sharpe from the previous campaign, and quite insane, this makes sense.}}
* [[Total Party Kill]]: The [[Bonus Boss]] in the main game wipes out your entire party after a few turns.
* [[The Very Definitely Final Dungeon]]: {{spoiler|R'lyeh.}}
** In ''Cthulhu's Angels'', {{spoiler|the Grand Library.}}
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* [[What Could Have Been]]: According to the Commentary, the towns' pubs were originally going to contain a [[Dating Sim]] minigame between Cthulhu and Umi, but time constraints forced this to be scrapped. Sidequests for each optional dungeon were also planned, but again, time constraints meant that only the first one got a sidequest, and the rest were purely optional treasure hunts similar to those in [[Breath of Death VII]].
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: The [[Goldfish Poop Gang]] fought as the first boss encounter are stated to have "likely respawned by now", and according to the Director Commentary, they were meant to be a recurring element, but the creators ended up completely forgetting about them. This was supposedly rectified for ''Cthulhu's Angels''.
** They show up one more time in the PC version, towards the very end, as [[Villain Forgot to Level Grind|strong as the first time]]. They only show up one time in ''Cthulhu's Angels''... {{spoiler|but the female of their number is the second Angel, recruited on the starting beach.}}
** You never find out exactly who cursed Cthulhu at the start of the game. The game makes a point about him being a mysterious man, then never bothers to tell you who he is.
*** ''Cthulhu's Angels'' resolves this mystery, although the differences between the campaigns allows for some doubt if it applies to the main campaign - {{spoiler|Dacre, the insane mage from the original, is responsible for Cthulhu's sealing. Presumably the deed drove him mad, leaving him the half-brained genius you find in the Water Temple.}}
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[[Category:Cthulhu Saves the World]]
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