Exactly What It Says on the Tin: a blog whose primary purpose is to cover current events.

One type of Current Events Blog will link to a big media news story and then have a comments section on that story. People often read those for the comments.

Other blogs are more ideological, and the blog owner will add poltical commentary to the bottom of an excerpted section from the news story. are two such examples of this second type. This type can tend towards Astroturf, since they are often strongly associated with specific political parties.

Still others are just attempts to get Google AdSense money, where "current events" is defined as "whatever's on Google Trends that hour." (We won't bother listing this sort, since they exist primarily to make money and one of ATT's core principles is that we don't run ads.)

Compare with Commerce Pimp, which are outright sponsored by a company and talk about that company's current events.

Examples of Current Events Blog include:

News sites with comments sections

Ideological Screed sites