Cut Lex Luthor a Check/Playing With: Difference between revisions

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** if everyone and their brother had access to Dr Evilstein's tech, he wouldn't have the edge.
** Dr. Evilstein is really just the [[Disc One Final Boss]], and someone else more powerful is controlling/blackmailing ''him'' into using his inventions for villainy.
** Dr. Evilstein has [[Visionary Villain|far grander]] ambitions than merely making money, such as [[World Domination]], [[Utopia Justifies the Means]] or even [[The End of the World Asas We Know It]]. If he uses his inventions for theft, its only because thats a quicker way of funding that end, assuming he uses it for theft at all.
** Dr. Evilstein ''tried'' to make money legitimately with his inventions, but failed, so he turned to crime.
* '''Inverted''': [[Super Serum]] and [[Hypno Ray|Hypno Rays]] are marketed towards Average Joes instead of military or criminals.