D.Gray-man/YMMV: Difference between revisions

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** Kanda's sort of a lesser example. He's a gigantic, unrepentant [[Jerkass|a-hole,]] [[Jerk with a Heart of Jerk|with no heart of gold underneath,]] which turns plenty of people off of him. However, he still ranks very high in character popularity polls, even ranking higher than ''the main character'' at least once, and has a strong female fanbase. [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]] in action?
* [[Complete Monster]]: What the Earl of Millennium he truly is beneath that facade of being a [[Affably Evil|jolly old gentleman]].
* [[Creator's Pet]]: Many fans argue Johnny Gill is this.
* [[Creepy Awesome]]:
** All Noah are this by default, but the Millennium Earl is particularly [[Badass]] even by their standards.
** Tyki Mikk. He's a sexy badass, yes, but he's a Noah, which means [[Nightmare Fuel]] is just part of the package.
* [[Critical Research Failure]]: A priest marrying a nun. The anime fixed this, thankfully.
* [[Die for Our Ship]]: Poor, poor Lenalee...
* [[Dude, Not Funny]]: Cross is a complete dick to Allen, with [[Training Fromfrom Hell]], emotional abuse, physical abuse, abandonment, and a nasty habit of forcing a 15-year-old to pay off debts that reach upwards of tens of thousands of dollars. This is usually played for laughs.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: In one character popularity poll, Kanda managed to steal the #1 position away from Allen despite having been absent for nearly three entire story arcs.
* [[Evil Is Cool]]: The Noah. And ''how.''
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* [[Narm Charm]]: Jasdevi's [[Fusion Dance]]. Relatedly, the Level 4 Akuma would look outright ''stupid'' if they weren't so [[Nightmare Fuel|terrifying]].
* [[Real Women Never Wear Dresses]]: Lenalee. Being girlish, pretty and sweet makes her ''hated'' by some fans, who love to accuse her of being a [[Purity Sue]] or a [[Flat Character]] and/or subject her to [[Die for Our Ship]].
* [[Rescued Fromfrom the Scrappy Heap]]: Quite a few people found Miranda Lotto to be incredibly annoying during the Rewinding Town arc. Fortunately, it doesn't even take until the end of the arc for her to get a ''lot'' better.
* [[The Scrappy]]: Chaozii Han to a lot of the fans of the series, probably due to being one of the few non-bishonen male characters.
* [[Squick]]: Cyril is ''way'' too touchy-feely with Tyki (who may - pending canon confirmation to take this out of [[Fanon]] - be his brother) and Road (his adopted daughter). Cyril loves "playing house" so much, it gives him a ''[[Nosebleed]].'' For their part, Tyki thoroughly dislikes Cyril's attentions while Road is either oblivious or doesn't care {{spoiler|Being way older than she looks and possibly being a [[Shotacon]] might have something to do with that}}.
* [[Tear Jerker]]: Has [[D.Gray-man/Tear Jerker|its own page]].
* [[Too Cool to Live]]:
** {{spoiler|Cross Marian, who receives a head wound that would kill any human. Although they [[Never Found the Body]]...}}
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