DC Animated Universe/Characters/Batman: The Animated Series: Difference between revisions

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A list of [[DCAU]] characters who first prominently featured in ''[[Batman: The Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]''.
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This version of Batman, in particular, is notable for being an amalgam of the [[The Golden Age of Comic Books|Golden Age]], [[The Silver Age of Comic Books|Silver Age]] and [[The Dark Age of Comic Books|Dark Age]] versions of the characters. He's dark and brooding, but also an excellent [[Parental Substitute]] and even [[Deadpan Snarker|gets a few witty one-liners]] (as well as being caught in the occasional [[Death Trap]]).
As a member of the [[Justice League (Animationanimation)|Justice League]], Batman usually serves as [[Mission Control]] more than anything, due to his lack of superpowers, and is not as openly active as his Justice League allies, preferring to work alone and from the shadows. Nonetheless, he has a vested interest in the group's activities, as it is Bruce Wayne's finances that paid for their Watchtower headquarters and Javelin ship. And as the [[Series Finale]] of JLU showed, he can still kick ass if need be.
[[DCAU (Franchise)/Batman Beyond/Characters|See here for tropes applying to him in]] ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]''.
* [[Ace Pilot]]: He has a seemingly endless supply of Batwings. Notably, he does get shot down by other pilots on occasion, but typically that's because he's outnumbered more than anything else.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Knight in Sour Armor|Type II]]
** In a subversion of his role in most other mediums, Batman is probably the least anti-heroic member of the [[Justice League (Animationanimation)|Justice League]] aside from the Flash. Justice Lord Batman was the only member of the the parallel League to see how corrupt his world had become, and normal Batman [[What the Hell, Hero?|called Superman out]] on his ethically questionable handling of Doomsday.
** Batman can also dip into [[Good Is Not Nice|Type III Anti-Heroism]] on occasion such as when he interrogated a thug in front of his wife and young son.{{spoiler|The tendencies for Batman to become [[Good Is Not Nice]], including the interrogation incident previously mentioned, is at least partially what made Dick Grayson give up being Robin and become Nightwing, as detailed in "Old Wounds".}}
* [[Badass]]: Come on, it's BATMAN!
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* [[Cool Plane]]: The Batwing.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: ...it's Batman.
* [[Creepy Good]]: His first encounter with Superman in [[Superman: theThe Animated Series]] ''World's Finest'' pretty much solidifies his status as this.
* [[Doesn't Like Guns]]: Which is why he flips out when {{spoiler|Deadman possesses his body and shoots Devil Ray, killing him}}.
* [[The Dreaded]]
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* [[Evil Laugh]]: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1bmM7Ihv0Y His laugh in "Mad Love"] is so creepy even Harley is creeped out.
* [[Fiction 500]]
* [[Friend to All Children]]: Part of his [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]] personality, best demonstrated in "Injustice For All" (he gently coaxes some children to go with him out of a burning building) and "Epilogue" ({{spoiler|[[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|he stays with a dying Ace]] [[Tear Jerker|at her request]]}}).
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
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* [[Guile Hero]]
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: In "Starcrossed," he attempts to manually pilot the Watchtower into the Thanagarian's hyperspace-bypass weapon. Fortunately, Superman saves him in the nick of time.
* [[Jerkass]] / [[Jerkass Facade]] / [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]
* [[The Lancer]]: When he becomes a part of the Justice League later on.
* [[Master of Disguise]]
* [[Mission Control]]: It allows him to stay out of the spotlight in ''[[Justice League (Animationanimation)|Justice League]]''.
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: Both Dick and Tim. Dick because Bruce allowed their relationship to fall apart and Tim because of what the Joker did to him.
* [[No Good Deed Goes Unpunished]]: His [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] attitude had its heavy price in ''[[Return of the Joker]]''.
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* [[Roof Hopping]]: His main mode of travel.
* [[Secret Identity]]
** [[Secret Identity Identity]]: in ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]'', he realizes that the voice in his head is not his own because it calls him "''Bruce''".
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Along with J'onn in the League.
* [[Stealth Hi Bye]]: Master of it, to Gordon's repeated annoyance.
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{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Loren Lester}}
Much like his comic counterpart, Dick was a member of ''The Flying Graysons'', a family of circus acrobats. His parents were killed by a mobster named Tony Zucco ([[Grease|not]] [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (Animation)|Zuko]]). After being taken in by Bruce Wayne, he eventually finds out his secret and takes up the role of [[Robin]]. Eventually, he grows up and strikes out on his own, taking a new name: [[Nightwing]].
* [[Badass Normal]]
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* [[Big Brother Mentor]]: To Tim
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: Unlike the comic Dick and Bruce never truly reconcile after their falling out. {{spoiler|That is until after ''[[Return of the Joker]]'', offscreen.}}
* [[The Cameo]]: Averts being a [[Brother Chuck]] due to infrequent name-drops in ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]],'' but his only post-''TNBA'' appearances are two brief glimpses in ''Justice League.''
* [[Commuting Onon a Bus]]: Done intentionally. Dick spends most of the week at school, letting Batman establish himself both with and without a partner. He only appears in two episodes of the first season.
* [[Cool Bike]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
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=== Batgirl (Barbara Gordon) ===
{{quote| '''Voiced by:''' Melissa Gilbert in ''[[Batman: The Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'', [[Mary Kay Bergman]] in ''[[Batman and Mister Freeze Sub Zero|Sub-Zero]]'', [[Tara Strong]] in ''[[Batman: The Animated Series (Animation)|The New Batman Adventures]]'', Stockard Channing on ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]'' seasons 1 and 2, Angie Harmon in ''[[Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker|Return of the Joker]]'' and ''BB'' Season 3'''}}
The daughter of Police Commissioner Gordon, Barbara first takes up the Bat cowl in an attempt to impersonate Batman, giving the impression of his support at a rally for her father. When she gets involved in a drive-by shooting that hits the rally, she is partially unmasked by Robin when he rips the back of her cowl, freeing her hair and leaving the city wondering "Who is Batgirl?"
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Barbara operates independently in her appearances in ''Batman: The Animated Series'', but is officially inducted into the Bat-Family by ''The New Batman Adventures''.
In ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]'', a much older Barbara has put aside the cowl and picked up the badge, taking her father's place as Police Commissioner of Gotham City. As fate would have it, the long-retired Bruce Wayne has just taken on a protege as the new Batman. [[DCAU (Franchise)/Batman Beyond/Characters|See here for tropes applying to her in that show]].
* [[Action Girl]]
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* [[Distaff Counterpart]]
* [[Hot Librarian]]
* [[The Other Darrin]]: Oh, boy...does this apply to her. She was originally voiced by [[Little House Onon the Prairie (TV series)|Melissa Gilbert]], then replaced by [[Mary Kay Bergman]] for the ''Sub-Zero'' DTV and she was replaced by [[Tara Strong]] for the revamp. However, despite popular opinion, Strong replacing Bergman is not due to [[Author Existence Failure]] as both ''Sub Zero'' and the revamp happened in 1997, two years before Bergman's death in '99. Then getting to ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]'', the older Barbara was voiced by [[The West Wing (TV)|Stockard Channing]] for Seasons 1 and 2, then replaced with [[Law and& Order (TV)|Angie Harmon]] for ''Return of the Joker'' and Season 3.
* [[Timeshifted Actor]]: Barbara on ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]''.
=== Robin II (Tim Drake) ===
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* [[Oral Fixation Fixation]]
* [[Jerkass]]
** [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]
=== Officer Renee Montoya ===
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=== Jonah Hex ===
{{quote| '''Voiced By:''' William McKinney in ''[[Batman: The Animated Series (Animation)|Batman the Animated Series]]'', Adam Baldwin in ''[[Justice League]]''}}
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type III]].
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* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: As both Lex Luthor and Superman found out.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: When he's not [[For the Evulz|freelancing]].
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]: Andrea Beaumont, in the comic book sequel to ''[[Batman: Mask of the Phantasm]]'' hesitated for a second from putting him at the core of the explosion consuming the fairgrounds due to the Joker's transformation turning him into a "grinning lunatic with no sense of right or wrong."
* [[Slasher Smile]]
* {{spoiler|[[Thanatos Gambit]]}}
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* [[Creepy Monotone]]
* [[Despair Event Horizon]]: {{spoiler|Losing his wife. ''Both'' times.}}
** Gets another one in ''[[Batman Beyond (Animation)|Batman Beyond]]''. Poor guy just can't catch a break.
* [[Determinator]]:"Nora was the only good thing in my life and they took her from me. I don't care what I have to do to get her back!"
* [[Fate Worse Than Death]]: His entire origin was based on this.
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* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|RedGogglesTakeWarning]]
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: Any temperatures over freezing; he can't survive them without his suit.
* [[A Worldwide Punomenon]]: He makes some cold-related puns in his debut episode; they are much better than anything from ''[[Batman and Robin (Filmfilm)|Batman and Robin]]''.
{{quote| '''Mr. Freeze:''' I'm beyond emotions. They've been frozen ''dead'' in me.}}
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* [[Kidnapped Scientist]]: Although unlike most examples,he isn't afraid to go along with whatever his captor says.
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]: As long as Victor gives him his fair share, he has no qualms about what he does to Barbara.
* [[Only in It For Thethe Money]]
* [[Jerkass]]
* {{spoiler|[[Karmic Death]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Too Dumb to Live]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]:Or a landing deck.}}
=== Clayface (Matt Hagen) ===