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* "Heaven or Las Vegas" Plot: The Zamarons, attempting to refine the process behind the Star Sapphire rings, and figure out what makes the [[Green Lantern|GreenLanterns]] tick, capture Earth's Lanterns and their current sweethearts (except Hal - [[Tenchi Solution|he ends up with a "greatest hits" collection]]), and put them in a bad, theme-park rendition of Vegas. This includes Kyle and Jenny (Jade). [http://community.livejournal.com/dc_nation/63736.html?thread=3148280#t3148280 Separated from Jenny, Kyle literally stumbles into one of his sillier sexual fantasies]. He fights through that, only to have a Sinestro Corps member show up. Queue Jenny barging in and brawling said Yellow Lantern on a bed, both of them covered in massage oil. The Sinestro Corps member is teleported out of there. Kyle and Jenny start having a moment...and in comes a Star Sapphire gem. Jenny successfully fights it off, only to have it hit ''Kyle'' instead. She [["I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight|argues with the Sapphire to let Kyle go]]. The Zamarons are so freaked out by both Jenny and the idea that a ''male'' can get nailed by their concept of love that they recall the gem. Manages to be Crowning Moments of Awesome, Heartwarming, AND Funny in different places.
* The plot of "J." Jericho has been trapped inside the heroes' computer system for years, with a nasty technopath and a menacing avatar of a black lion in pursuit, thwarting his attempts to summon help. Thinking he's a hacker, Oracle tracks him down, only for Jericho's powers to misfire and trap her in the system with him. Queue Oracle realizing that she ''isn't'' confined to a wheelchair in cyberspace and might be even ''more'' frightening there than she was as the original Batgirl.
* In "Cry for Justice" (No relation to the DC story of the same name). the JLA has tracked Dr. Light back to the old satellite where he once attacked Sue Dibny. Light's enhanced powers are unleashed and the satellite;s defenses turned against the heroes. The JLA team are on the ropes - Green Arrow's lost an arm, Hal Jordan is critically injured, [[The Flash]] and Black Canary were knocked out. Ralph Dibny tries to suffocate Light by pouring himself down Light's throat, but it's not working. Then in storms ''Sue'' Dibny, armed with Hal's ring and [[Yiddish Asas a Second Language|swearing a blue streak in English and Yiddish]]. She ''literally'' opens up a can of whoop-ass on him, distracting Light long enough for John Constantine to subtly bend the laws of physics in the immediate area to cause Light to blow himself to bits.
* Most of the Titans readers and Titans fans on DCN were less than thrilled with Dolphin as a romantic lead for Tempest, which made the scenes where she is being a bitch to "King of the Woobies" Garth that much more vile, expecially concidering Tula's ghost was fettered to Garth and cannot do anything while she watches the man she loves get abused for ''YEARS''. Finally, the odds get evened, Tula and Dolphin are, due to story events, on the astral plane, fighting. Tula proceeds to take out much pent-up frustration on Dolphin's person with extreme prejudice.