Dance in the Vampire Bund: Difference between revisions

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** {{spoiler|The anime's Episode 12 changes this a bit: Mei Ren is Akira's EQUIVALENT, to another Mina, the "True Blood Legacy". Mei Ren is also of a lost weretiger clan, the "Forest Clan".}}
* [[Carnival of Killers]]: The basic plot of volume four, minus the [[Squick]] factor.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: The as yet unnamed leader of Telomere, having set up the [[Wham! Episode]] below, has secured this ranking.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]: The vampire antagonist in the second volume who thought Mina started the Bund to show their superiority over humans. {{spoiler|When she confronts him, she makes it quite clear he doesn't know squat. He has the nerve to get angry over this and attacks her but is quickly reminded he's dealing with the ruler of vampires and tries to beg for forgiveness. Mina gives him none.}}
* [[Cute and Psycho]]:
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* [[Expy]]: Mina looks suspiciously similar to Evangeline A.K. Mcdowell from ''[[Mahou Sensei Negima]]''.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]:
** {{spoiler|Angie. This could also count as a [[I Knew It!]] since he shows up a bit antagonistic to Mina when they first meet. Over what exactly? Akira.}}
** {{spoiler|Yuzuru appears to have joined Duke Rozenmann's forces, as he assists in Mina's recapture after she escapes from Rozenmann's castle in vol. 10.}}
* [[Fan Disservice]] / [[Fan Service]]: Loads on a [[Kiss of the Vampire|number]] of them.
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* [[Form-Fitting Wardrobe]]: A staple feature of Nozomu Tamaki's drawing style. On women, even the most shapeless fabrics define the bust like a leather halter, and most clothes fit like PVC or rubber. When something's form-fitting in-universe, it defines individual breasts and buttocks to a degree only body paint could match.
* [[Friendly Neighborhood Vampire]]: The official public face of the Bund at large. Closer inspection, however, subverts this by showing that majority of the Bund's populace seem to be, if not 'evil', then at least huge jerks. Also played straight in that there ''are'' several (Vera, Nanami, the Fangless) who really are harmless, or at least would be if left to their own devices. Mina herself, despite numerous [[Pet the Dog]] moments, is too ruthless/manipulative to qualify...unless you take the [[Complete Monster|other three (surviving) clan heads]] as benchmarks.
* [[Full -Frontal Assault]]:
** Akira is ''much'' bigger as a Werewolf than a human. He has no [[Magic Pants]].
** Mina rather enjoys doing this, especially when {{spoiler|she artificially ages herself when she unlocks her true power}}. So far, she's never worn ''any'' clothing when {{spoiler|in her adult form}}. There are also a number of instances where she runs around wearing only a billowing cloak or similar garment.
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* [[Huge Guy, Tiny Girl]]:
** Akira's pretty tall for a 17-year-old Japanese highschooler (he ''is'' a [[But Not Too Foreign|half-German]] [[Big Badass Wolf|werewolf]] after all,) but not abnormally so. Mina's just that tiny -- she barely gets to his chest, and it's even more apparent in his wolf form, where he towers over her. Somewhat subverted in that Mina's [[Super Mode|true form]] is ''[[Hot Amazon|bigger]]'' than Akira's normal size.
** [[Tiny Guy, Huge Girl|Inverted]] for good with [[Shotacon|Nanami]] and [[Undead Child|Yuzuru]].
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]: Mina takes this position based on the very hard decisions she has to take as leader of the Vampires in the Bund. For example, after {{spoiler|blackmailing a politician with a threat of infecting his five year old grandson if he doesn't go away. She actually does have him bitten, but he is cured before he permanently becomes a vampire.}}
* [[I Hate You, Vampire Dad]]: Subverted. When Nanami is turned, she goes on a rampage, calling herself a monster. Mina and the others assume this Trope, but {{spoiler|Nanami explains that she doesn't care about being a vampire. What she hates herself for is the realization she had been in love with her little brother-figure all along, even when she was still human, vampire emotions being significantly more… potent, than human ones, and thus far harder to ignore. She comes around when Yuzuru returns her love, and everyone makes it clear they accept their love as real and valid.}}
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** Akira, pledged to serve the Princess of Vampires from birth, has a name meaning "Daybreak" (which, for vampires, would connote something along the lines of [[Kryptonite Factor|Horrible Burning Death]]). Make of it what you will.
** And then there's his little brother Yuuhi ("evening sun"). It seems ol' Wolfgang really ''does'' have [[The Comically Serious|a sense of humor, after all...]]
*** Also possibly a stealth [[Shout -Out]]: Akela, the leader of the wolf pack in [[Rudyard Kipling]]'s ''[[The Jungle Book (Literature)|The Jungle Book]]'', becomes "Akira" when spoken through Japanese phonetics. (The name also means "single, solitary" in Hindi, which rather accurately fits Akira's personality as well, after {{spoiler|Graham's death}}.)
** [http://en.[ |Telomere]].
* [[Meido]]: Mina's ladies-in-waiting. {{spoiler|Nanami joins them.}}
* [[Mercy Kill]]: {{spoiler|Akira is forced to do this to one of his former childhood friends when said friend (already brain-damaged and incurably insane) ends up pumped full of what amounts to Werewolf-grade PCP and is sent to assassinate Mina.}}
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* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Vera or Mina.
* [[Murder the Hypotenuse]]: {{spoiler|Angie tries. He almost succeeds.}}
* [[My Master, Right or Wrong]]: Gerhard, Rozenmann's werewolf retainer. He knows Rozenmann is wholly unworthy of his loyalty, but he's still the master Gerhard's sworn to, even if Gerhard has to stoop to dishonorable tactics.
* [[The Necrocracy]]: Type II, more or less.
* [[New Transfer Student]]: Mina. No, she does not seem to regard having secretly founded the school and commissioned the construction of the campus to her specifications as causing a conflict of interest.
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* [[Shapeshifter Guilt Trip]]: One of the assassins in volume 4 uses it against Akira to perfect effect. Unfortunately, then it tries [[Berserk Button|using Mina]]... Speaking of which, that assassin is, naturally, a...
* [[Shapeshifter Weapon]]
* [[Shout -Out]]:
** [[The Ace|Seiji Hama]] = [[Sledge Hammer]]. [[Totally Radical|You dig it?]]
** Aforementioned ''[[Nosferatu (Film)|Nosferatu]]'' reference as well.
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* [[The Unmasqued World]]: Vampires and Werewolves: Not much of a secret anymore.
* [[Ninja Maid|Vampire Maid]]: The second chapter starts off with Mina's maids absolutely wrecking a squad of special forces soldiers. {{spoiler|One of them rising back up again after getting mowed down by gunfire}} deserves a CMOA all its own.
* [[Vampire -Werewolf Love Triangle]]: First Mina/Akira/Yuki, then Mina/Akira/the Royal Three (so it's a Pentagon... sort of...).
** Well, considering that there is no love between the Royal Three and Mina (it's more of a power grab than anything else)...
** Then of course there's Mina/Akira/Angie, which, unlike Mina/Akira/Yuki's [[Triang Relations|Type 11]], is very much a Type 4.
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* [[Waif Fu]]: Half a dozen freshly turned grown men. One scrawny prepubescent vampire queen. No problem {{spoiler|(aside from the former [[Action Bomb|blowing up]])}}.
* [[The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask]]: Mina is a particularly blood-soaked and [[Manipulative Bastard|Machiavellian]] variant.
* [[Wham! Episode]]:
** The end of vol. 8, when it's revealed that {{spoiler|Angie has betrayed Mina and the Beowulf, nearly killed Yuki, and sold Mina's secret to the other vampire lords out of his twisted love for Akira.}}
** Volume 9 in general, and chapter 53 in particular. {{spoiler|1=Lord Ivanovic launches a full scale, multi-pronged invasion to secure the Bund and Mina's post-pubescent [[Super Mode]] (Tower HQ getting blown up, fangless being executed to draw Mina out, the works). This ends in Mina and Akira killing Ivanovic in battle deep beneath the island... however the whole thing was a [[Xanatos Gambit|distraction]] and Lord Ivanovic an [[Unwitting Pawn]]. Turns out that Nanami was [[Manchurian Agent|infected by the Pied Piper a couple of volumes back]] and triggered during said fight, forcing Mina to...not kill her, that would not be traumatizing enough... compel/command ''Yuuzuru'' to kill her before she overloads the nuclear reactor beneath the Bund and blows the whole place sky high (irradiating metropolitan Tokyo in the bargain). It turns out that the primary motive behind ''that'' stunt was to separate Mina from her bodyguard and [[Heroic BSOD|rattle her badly enough]] for the [[The Chessmaster|leader of Telomere]] to ambush her personally... [[Evil Twin|and pull a switch]].}}