Daredevil/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass Normal]]: His super senses are his only real power. Everything else (His incredible athletic ability, his amazing strength) is all his.
* [[Being Good Sucks]]: Especially if you're named Matt Murdock.
* [[Blessed Withwith Suck]]
* [[Brooklyn Rage]]
* [[Butt Monkey]]: Matt could seriously challenge Spider-Man's place as the "Most Unlucky Hero". If something good happens, You can bet it won't last and will be swiftly followed by an enexpected punch to the gut, spiritually speaking. "Born Again" is the most famous example but there are many, many others.
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* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: He's a normal person who is strong enough to lift and turn over a limo.
* [[Cool Shades]]: Almost always wears his sunglasses when not fighting crime.
* [[Covered Withwith Scars]]
* [[The Cowl]]
* [[Crusading Lawyer]]: And he puts the rest to shame. Lots of fictional hero attorneys will bend the law or risk their lives for the sake of their innocent clients, but how many will kick the ass of crime lords, ninja zombies or superhuman assassins in the process?
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* [[Honor Before Reason]]: Matt often faces against enemies who are a lot more powerful and capable of incredible damage, physically and personally. He even refuses to defend guilty clients, which is why his law firm is usually broke.
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]
* [[Kick the Son of Aa Bitch]]: {{spoiler|His exceptionally violent and brutal murder of Bullseye was supposed to show he had gone off the deep end, but considering who Bullseye is, there isn't a person alive who can fault Matt for doing what he did.}}
* [[Knight in Sour Armor]]: You could probably count the number of times Matt's been happy on one hand. He could be written as a villain and you'd still be sympathetic to him. Despite this, he keeps on going. This trope could probably be renamed "Knight in sour red leather".
* [[Living Lie Detector]]: He can determine if someone is lying by listening to their heartbeat.
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* [[Badass Bookworm]]: OK, he's not really a great physical fighter, but when it comes to standing up for Matt, nobody does it better than good old Foggy.
* [[Fat and Proud]]: Not extremely fat, but definitely a bit chubby
* [[Jerk Withwith a Heart of Gold]]: Often.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Secret Keeper]]
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* [[Cool Uncle]]: To his sometime superhero nephew Phil (at least, until Phil went [[Ax Crazy]], did a [[Face Heel Turn]] and became the newest Hobgoblin).
* [[Intrepid Reporter]]
* [[Secret Keeper]]: For Matt. He may also know that Peter Parker is [[Spider -Man]].
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* [[Taking the Bullet]]: Bullseye was aiming for Daredevils' mom (didn't ''know'' it was her, but didn't care either). For once, he isn't bother that he missed.
=== [[Black Widow (Comic Bookcomics)|Black Widow]] (Natasha Romanoff) ===
* [[Action Girl]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]
* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Distracted Byby the Sexy]]
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]/ [[Redheaded Hero]]
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* [[Love Hurts]]
* [[Love Martyr]]
* [[Revenge Byby Proxy]]: On the receiving end of this after Matt Murdock was accused of being Daredevil, most notably when Bullseye broke into her room and nearly racked his list of "number of Daredevils girlfriends I've killed" up to 3.
* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: Marrying a guy with a long list of crazy ex-girlfriends and psychopathic enemies right around the time his [[Secret Identity]] is exposed to the world was not the smartest move in the world.
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* [[Acrofatic]]
* [[Arch Enemy]]: One of two with Bullseye, though between the two the war between Fisk and Murdock is a closer example of this trope.
* [[Badass Normal]]: Can hold his own against actual superhumans, though how well is [[Depending Onon the Writer]]. Once outsmarted [[Iron Man]], despite the latter being far more intelligent, by tricking him into taking out some of his rivals. While in prison.
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]: Can veer into this at times, though it was more prominent when he was a Spidey villain.
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* [[Necessarily Evil]]: He was once forced into retirement by his wife after she found out about his life of crime; he was then forced back ''out of'' retirement because of threats against him and his family, {{spoiler|made by an underling who thought he was doing Fisk a favour. Which was a textbook case of [[Too Dumb to Live]].}}
* [[Revenge Before Reason]]: In ''Born Again'' his underlings kept calling him out on it- [[Too Dumb to Live|this was a mistake]], but they were right and his revenge scheme blows his plans to move into legitimate business out of the water as they result in him being publicly exposed as a crime lord. In ''Civil War'' he has Spidermans' Aunt May shot, to goad Spidey into a fight so he could show all the goons in prison he was still in charge- Spiderman [[Curb Stomp Battle|beats the hell out of him]], and warns the crowd if he or anyone tries something that again he'll come back and ''kill'' them.
* [[Revenge Byby Proxy]]: The Aunt May example, but he's went after Matt by attacking Foggy Nelson before, and through his girlfriends and other associates.
* [[Rogues Gallery Transplant]]: Perhaps the most successful example of this trope. Started out as an A-list [[Spider -Man]] villain, then was promoted to Daredevil's [[Arch Enemy]].
* [[Self-Made Man]]
* [[The Syndicate]]
* [[Villainous Valor]]: Can be generally counted on to keep his word; genuinelly cares for his own family; sees his enemies in [[Worthy Opponent]] terms ([[Depending Onon the Writer|sometimes]]) and will treat his underlings with respect so long as they [[You Have Failed Me|don't fail]] or betray him.
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: Previously.
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[The Dragon]]: To Kingpin.
* [[Dropped a Bridge Onon Him]]: In the "Shadowland" arc.
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: To Daredevil. He represents the path Matt could have gone down with similar circumstances and abilities.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Bullseye is a paid mercenary and earns a sizable fee for his murders.... But he recently revealed he barely ever spends it since he'd rather spend his time killing ''even more'' people. He even states that he's gotten so much cash over the years for his various jobs [[Fiction 500|he's probably richer than Norman Osborn.]]
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* [[Knife Nut]]: He's an expert marksman and uses firearms on occasion but prefers to use blades and improvised weapons instead.
* [[Multiple Choice Past]]: Ask him for his backstory and he'll give a different story each time. The only thing that ever remains consistent any time he talks about his past is that he had [[Abusive Parents]], that he kills his parents and that he was a baseball player before becoming a Killer for Hire.
* [[Only Known Byby Their Nickname]]: We've never found out his real name.
* [[Professional Killer]]: Assassin.
* [[Psycho for Hire]]: At one point, he reveals that he has spent basically none of the money he has made from his assassinations over the years. Money is just a handy way to keep score.
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* [[Slasher Smile]]
* [[Stuffed Into the Fridge]]: He's done some stuffing in his time. Running tally of hero's girlfriends gruesomely murdered: {{spoiler|Daredevil - 2 (Elektra and Karen Page) The Sentry - 1 (Lindy Reynolds)}}
* [[Villain Withwith Good Publicity]]: When he was "Hawkeye" of the [[Dark Avengers]].
=== Stiltman ===
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* [[Harmless Villain]]
* [[Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain]]
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: According to [[Spider -Man]], he was a pretty nice guy--apart from the whole "bank robbery" thing.
=== Typhoid Mary ===
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=== Purple Man ===
* [[Amazing Technicolor Population]]: Go on, just guess where he got his name.
* [[Arch Enemy]]: To [[Alias (Comic Book)|Jessica Jones]] and her husband, [[Luke Cage, Hero for Hire|Luke Cage]].
* [[Back From the Dead]]: He died in ''Emperor Doom''. They had a funeral in the pages of ''[[Alpha Flight]]'' and everything. Ten years later, he came back.
* [[Color Character]]
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* [[The Hedonist]]: Since coming back from retirement, he is rarely seen without a mind-controlled woman (or a harem of them) on his arm.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: He once stopped an entire restaurant from breathing so he could eat his eggs in peace.
* [[Love Is in Thethe Air]]: He has super-enhanced pheromones.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Medium Awareness]] In Alias.