Dark Heavens: Difference between revisions

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* [[Brick Joke]] - Consider the twist at the end of Heaven to Wudang. And then go back to the very first line of the entire series.
* [[Buffy-Speak]] - "Demon stuff".
* [[Can't Have Sex Ever]] - Certainly puts [[Twilight (Literaturenovel)|Twilight]] in perspective. Although {{spoiler|they get around it a few times.}}
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]] - John and Leo towards Emma in the first book. Regarding pretty much everything.
* [[Celestial Bureaucracy]] - The series is based on a mish-mash of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism.
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* [[Mighty Whitey]] - A young, white Australian nanny with no previous training goes to Hong Kong, develops superhuman martial-arts skills and magic ''qi'' powers in just a couple of years (certainly by the end of the first book in the first trilogy), beats up demons and generally proves herself the equal of Chinese ''gods'', never mind mere mortals.
** One post on the forums also wondered about Rhonda and Michelle, both white women who attracted the attention of male Shen, and asked the question, what is so special about these three seemingly normal white women?
* [[New Powers Asas the Plot Demands]]
* [[Red Baron]] - Leo is known as "the Black Lion".
* [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent]] - Discussed at length. Also serves as a [[Berserk Button]] for John.
* [[Scary Black Man]] - Leo.
* [[Shout -Out]]/[[Memetic Mutation]] - The first time Emma {{spoiler|transforms into a snake}}, she's {{spoiler|[[Snakes Onon a Plane]] on a plane}}. Leo, of course, is there to point out that she's a {{spoiler|motherfucking snake}}. John later complains of a similar joke regarding his serpent half.
** There are also frequent [[Shout -Out|Shout Outs]] to geek favourites such as ''[[Good Omens (Literature)|Good Omens]]'', ''[[Discworld]]'', ''[[Doctor Who (TV)|Doctor Who]]'' and others. Kylie Chan is obviously [[One of Us]].
* [[Staying Alive]] - [[Lampshaded]] when an official in the courts of Hell complains about Emma's Retainers constantly getting killed.
* [[Supernatural Martial Arts]] - Of course.