Dark Is Not Evil/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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* Raven of ''[[Teen Titans (Animation)|Teen Titans]]'', though she devotes a sizable amount of mental effort toward staying on the good side of the equation.
** Though in an instance of [[Beauty Equals Goodness]], Raven is [[Most Common Superpower|gorgeous]] and [[The Woobie|tender-hearted]], despite her (largely unconvincing) attempts to look and sound like a [[Dark Magical Girl]] version of Daria.
** Also {{spoiler|Jinx, [[Heel Face Turn|eventually]]. In "Lightspeed" it's implied she became a villain because [[Deconstructed Trope|she assumed having]] [[Bad Powers, Bad People|bad-luck powers gave her no other choice]], but in the final battle (and ''[[Teen Titans Go (Comic Book)|Teen Titans Go]]!'' comics set after the series) she works with the good guys. }}
* The title characters of ''[[Gargoyles (Animation)|Gargoyles]]'' may look like classical demons from Hell, but they are unambiguously heroes sworn to protect the innocent. (Well, most of them.)
** This trope may only apply to the main characters, who were Scottish gargoyles. Gargoyles from other countries can have different appearances; the English ones resemble mythological beings like griffons.
* Dib from ''[[Invader Zim]]'' raised network concerns because he looked like the kind of kid who would pull off a school shooting. He's the only person trying to save the Earth from an insane alien. (Although admittedly, he's [[Good Is Not Nice|not always nice]] about it, either.)
* The Gaoul from ''[[Titan AE]]'' fit this trope nicely... creepy, red-and-black batlike aliens that really turn out to be a helpful mix of [[Giant Flyer]] and [[Red Shirt]].
* The ''[[Ruby Gloom]]'' cartoon intentionally exemplifies this trope. [[Perky Goth]] Ruby Gloom's friends include a two-headed [[FrankensteinsFrankenstein's Monster]], an animate skeleton, a banshee, a cyclops, a black cat, a bat, and three ravens. Despite being traditionally being monstrous or "dark", all are decidedly not evil, and very friendly, if a bit eccentric.
** Other characters introduced along the way (including, among other things, a ghost, a mad scientist ''with the brains exposed'' and a carnivorous plant) are always examples of this trope if they are friendly. And there's an episode where the dark clouds covering the sky of their home place disappear; [[Light Is Not Good|cue the oppressive hot sun]].
* The "Drak Pack" were a heroic [[Power Trio]] of a vampire, werewolf and a Frankenstein-like Monster.
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* [[Don Bluth]]'s animation for [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMtaUZ_5vMI Scizzor Sisters] has a a warlock/wizard that helps the hero to save his girl. He looks like your average magic wielding villain though.
** Now that I've mentioned [[Don Bluth]] there's also the owl and Nicodemus from ''[[The Secret of NIMH]]'', both of which are old looking and very scary characters that are on the good side.
* Several aliens in ''[[Ben 10 (Animation)|Ben 10]]'' and its sequel ''[[Ben 10 Alien Force (Animation)|Ben 10 Alien Force]]'', some of which Ben himself transforms into thanks to the Omnitrix. Most notable examples include Ghostfreak and Big Chill, who are both ghost-like aliens (though Ghostfreak ''did'' [[Enemy Without|turned evil after escaping from the Omnitrix]]) and the forms Ben got from Ghostfreak's minions ([[Mummy|Benmummy]], [[Big Badass Wolf|Benwolf]] and [[FrankensteinsFrankenstein's Monster|Benvicktor]]), who are all horror-themed alien.
* Sid Philip's mutilated toys in ''[[Toy Story]]'', despite being some of the creepiest things Pixar has ever rendered, are all pretty nice guys and have a knack for fixing things.
** The toy version of Emperor Zurg (Buzz Lightyear's archnemesis) would probably count. The real reason why he appears evil is because he thinks he's evil, believing that he is the ''real'' Zurg, just like how Buzz himself thinks that he is the ''real'' Buzz. The toy Zurg is actually very friendly.
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{{quote| '''Randor:''' I apologize for my son...<br />
'''Dactus:''' I've been apologizing for mine for ''years''! (''they laugh as Adam and Man-At-Arms give each other wry looks'') }}
* In ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (Animation)|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', Princess Luna is the ruler of the night, but isn't evil. [[Dark Is Evil|Nightmare Moon]] on the other hand.....
** Her [[Big Entrance]] in "Luna Eclipsed" pretty much has about every villain appearance trope you could imagine... And the point of the episode is her trying to [[The Atoner|make up for all the evil she did as Nightmare Moon.]]
** Another example would be the [[Token Minority|zebra]] Zecora. She lives in a hut deep in [[Lost Woods|a dark forest full of spooky monsters]], speaks in rhyme, and collects herbs for brewing natural remedies (or in the townsponies' eyes, evil witchcraft). Despite this, she has never shown any ill intent towards anyone or acted threatening. In fact, [[An Aesop|the moral]] of the episode where she makes her first appearance, "Bridle Gossip", is "Don't judge a book by its cover."
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* In ''[[Thundercats 2011 (Western Animation)|Thundercats 2011]]''
** In "Omens Part One," [[Deconstructed]] As a [[Lizard Folk]] prisoner explains in a [[Motive Rant]]/[[Screw You Elves]] to [[Catfolk]] Prince Lion-O, he can hardly be expected to [[Justified Criminal|do anything but steal]] from the Cats' crops since they control the best territories, and habitually oppress and [[Made a Slave|enslave]] the Lizards.
** In "The Forest Of Magi Oar" This is [[Played Straight]] with Viragor, a [[Giant Flyer|giant]], yellow-eyed, purple [[Big Badass Bird of Prey|horned owl]], (with very literal horns) who while [[Good Is Not Nice|aggressive]] in method, turns out to be more [[The Owl -Knowing One]] than [[Owl Be Damned]].
* [[Danny Phantom]] wears a black jumpsuit with white detailing. His [[Arch Nemesis]] [[Light Is Not Good|wears a white one with black detailing]]. His [[Future Me Scares Me|evil future self]], conversely, wears a 50/50 mix of the two. {{spoiler|Actually appropriate, seeing as his evil self is a merging of the ghostly alter egos of the two.}}
* Gill from ''[[Finding Nemo]]'' is a sinister-looking Moorish Idol, but he actually helps Nemo and the other fish in the fish tank escape back into the ocean.