Dark Lord of Derkholm: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Atoner]]: Querida, after she realizes that she has caused actual harm to Derk and his family.
* [[Automaton Horses]]: averted with a vengeance.
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]: One of the many problems Derk faces as he plays the Dark Lord is that his wife Mara is slowly growing distant from him. It doesn't help that she's playing the Glamorous Enchantress, and is wearing [[Stripperific]] costumes as she entertains hundreds of guests, many of whom are testosterone-poisoned men. However, in the end, {{spoiler|she reveals that her distance was all an act, in the hopes the worry would drive Derk to mess up. She apologizes, and when he proposes that they have some [[Winged Humanoid]] children, she happily accepts.}}
** Of course, {{spoiler|the fact that the wizard Querida --- nominally one of the good guys! --- has been playing with her mind the whole time}} makes this slightly less icky.
* [[Bad Bad Acting]]: One of the rulers must pretend, as part of the plot of the Tour, that he is secretly being mind-controlled by the Dark Lord. His interpretation of this involves walking around like a zombie and speaking all his lines in a monotone.
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* [[Dungeon Maintenance]]: On a far greater scale than usual.
* [[Evil Vizier]]: It's ''very'' subtle, but it's implied the Grand Vizier of the Emirate acts this role for the Tours.
* [[Family -Unfriendly Death]]: ''Barnabas''. Dear Lord, Barnabas.
* [[Five -Man Band]]: Derk's seven children in the original:
** [[The Hero]]: Blade (also, incidentally, one of the only two humans)
** [[The Lancer]]: Kit and Shona (the other human)
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* [[Messy Pig]]
* [[Mr. Vice Guy]]: Querida. She is one of the good guys, but some of her actions--like trying to kidnap Callette for a pet, and her abusive attitude toward Derk, make her downright despicable at times.
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]: Querida, on realizing what she's done to Derk's family.
* [[Offing the Offspring]]: Chesney to his step-son.
* [[Our Dragons Are Different]]: Although they, too, have to pretend to be the same for the sake of the tourists.
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** [[Sapient Steed]] / [[Talking Animal]]: The winged horses (although the first generation has a bit of trouble with vowels).
** [[Ascended to Carnivorism]]: The carnivorous sheep.
* [[Two Lines, No Waiting]]: The later half of the book ping-pongs between the adventures of Derk and those of his children, Blade, Shona, and Kit, as they lead a party through the "game."
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Everyone wonders how Derk managed to score a babe like Mara.
* [[Winged Humanoid]]: {{spoiler|What Derk decides to make at the end of the book. We see these two children in the sequel.}}
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: ''Inverted,'' of all the crazy things. {{spoiler|Derk is genuinely clueless. However, everyone around him hopes his cluelessness will convince the odious fellow abusing their world to leave them alone, and so they try to help him be ''more'' clueless than usual. Naturally, this is the exact time Derk decides to get competent, and kicks the bad guy out by doing the ''exact opposite of what everyone thought he'd do.''}}
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* [[Promotion to Parent]]: This is the backstory of Lukin; it caused him great frustration when his father came back and tried to treat him like a child again.
* [[Put On a Bus]]: Shona, although Elda does mention her towards the beginning.
* [[Six -Student Clique]]: The students.
** The Head: Lukin
** The Muscle: Ruskin
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** The Wild One: Elda (Though Elda is [[The Hero]], in the story)
* [[Sibling Team]]: Kit and Blade work as one.
* [[So Beautiful ItsIt's a Curse]]: In the sequel, everyone is surprised when seeming [[Brainless Beauty]] Melissa sticks up for Olga against {{spoiler|her horrifying misogynist father}}. She brings up how everyone thinks that just because she's pretty, she can't be a good wizard.
* [[Spell Book]]: The six students' main way of learning magic, since so many of their tutors are incompetent.
* [[Stealth Pun]]: The Emir's kingdom, Ampersand.
* [[Two -Teacher School]]: Not quite, but almost. There are about five teachers mentioned, but only two of them seem to have a role in teaching the six main characters- Corkoran (their tutor, who also gives lectures to them) and Wermacht (who teaches almost all the first-year classes). Neither is terribly competent. (One character mentions attending Myrna's lectures as well, but this comes up only once.)
* [[Volleying Insults]]: In marked contrast to his behavior in the rest of the book, Felim engages in this with {{spoiler|his brother the Emir.}}
* [[Writer On Board]]: {{spoiler|Olga's horribly misogynistic father, and the backlash against him.}} However, while it does make a very clear point about sexism, it ''does'' also help build sympathy for Olga.