Darker than Black/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Half-Human Hybrid]]: He's not quite a Contractor- he has his sister's powers, but normal emotions and no remuneration.}}
* [[Heroic Neutral]]: He'd really prefer to just be left alone, but the Syndicate isn't about to let someone so useful get away from them. Consequently, although he usually [[Punch Clock Villain|just does what he's told]], he's still the group's loose cannon and will occasionally ignore orders entirely.
* [[He's Back]]: While he starts off the second season in [[Drowning My Sorrows|rather bad shape]], by episodes 8 and 9, he's looking and acting more like his old self, {{spoiler|[[De -Power]] be damned}}.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: Why is [[Monster (Anime)|Tenma]] killing people? With a little bit of [[Actor Allusion]] thrown in with the [[Expository Hairstyle Change|hobo appearance]] in the second season.
** You might also recognize his dub voice; add a Brooklyn accent and you have [[Baccano (Light Novel)|Luck Gandor]].
* [[Hidenobu Kiuchi]]
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* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: In his Li Shengshun persona. Li isn't ''stupid'' per se, but he's a [[Adorkable|clumsy, naive, and generally harmless dork]]. Well, [[Cover-Blowing Superpower|unless you attack him with a broken bottle]].
* [[Offscreen Teleportation]]: Once, he managed to disappear from about ten feet in front of Kirihara in the time it took her to put on her glasses, while she was pointing a gun at him and he had a bullet wound in his leg that had him limping badly. And there wasn't anything tall enough to do a [[Building Swing]] escape in the area, so that possibility is out.
* [[One Hero, Hold the Weaksauce]]: Hei doesn't appear to have a [[Conditional Powers|Remuneration]].
* [[Only Known By Their Nickname]]: "Hei" is Chinese for "black," and odds are pretty much certain it has nothing to do with his real name.
* [[Paper-Thin Disguise]]: Played with. When he's on a job, he wears a white mask and a {{spoiler|bullet resistant}} black overcoat. However, it's less of a disguise, more of means to keep witnesses from getting too close a look at him. It works because he moves too fast for anyone to get more than a glimpse of ''The Black Reaper''.
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* [[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter]]: {{spoiler|Or is [[Tomato in The Mirror|she]]?}}
* [[Mind Control Eyes]]: When she's particularly upset.
* [[No Periods, Period]]: Averted {{spoiler|and responsible for temporary [[Power Incontinence]]}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Opposite Sex Clone]]}}
* [[Precocious Crush]]: Comes to have one of these on [[Chick Magnet|Hei]].
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* [[Nepotism]]: Her father is ranked above her on the police force. She doesn't appreciate his attempts to ensure the correct progression of her career. {{spoiler|In the second season, she quits her job out of frustration and a wish to find Hei.}}
* [[Stalker With a Crush]]: She's ''still'' trying to find Hei in the second season, even though {{spoiler|she's no longer working for the police department}}. And by "trying to find" I mean "obsessively watching the star BK-201 through a telescope." Kanami informs her that she needs to get over him and find another guy.
** [[Single -Target Sexuality]]
* [[The Stoic]]: And not a contractor!
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]: Generally acts very cool and professional, but gets almost [[Moe]] when she opens up a bit.
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* [[Satellite Character]]: Pretty much never seen without Saitou nearby to [[Those Two Guys|play off of]].
* [[Those Two Guys]]
* [[Todd Haberkorn]]: [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]
== '''Matsumoto''' ==
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* [[Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor]]: he is an emblematic example of the second type of this trope.
* [[Fake Brit]]: Played by American [[Troy Baker]] in the English dub.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: In general, he tends to act like much more of a [[Jerkass]] when wearing his shades than when he isn't.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: Has an... interesting relationship with this trope.
* [[Harmless Freezing]]: Very, very averted. The frostbite he causes can take off limbs. The closest he gets is freezing someone's shoes to the ground.
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* [[Second Face Smoke]]: In his introductory scene, he's dealing with some gangsters and voices his extreme disapproval of smoking early on. When they try to double cross him, one of them lights up and contemptuously blows smoke in his face. [[Mugging the Monster|Big mistake.]]
* [[Shameless Fanservice Girl|Shameless Fanservice Guy]]: He just doesn't ''[[Lack of Empathy|care]]''.
* [[Shout -Out]]: He is a secret agent. He is an only guy whose name is a month and a ''date'' - [[James Bond|a certain guy]]'s birthday.
* [[Smoking Is Cool]]: Sometimes subverted, sometimes played straight; the first time we see him dealing with his remuneration, he starts hacking out the smoke in a decidedly un-cool way, but the rest of the time he makes it look good.
* [[Touch of Death]]: Like Hei, if he can touch you, he can kill you.
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* [[Meaningful Name]]: The mineral amber led to the discovery of electricity; see the entry on the main page for details.
* [[Merlin Sickness]]: Her remuneration.
* [[Necessarily Evil]]: {{spoiler|Seen in how even in her "kill all Japanese humans" plan, she was willing to use the last of her power and seemingly [[Ret -Gone]] herself}}.
* [[Older Than They Look]]
* [[Omniscient Morality License]]: Literally: Because she can see into any number of possible futures, she does morally questionable things on the logic that it is the best plan possible.
* [[Oracular Urchin]]: Since she's a lot older than she looks and has a limited ability to see the future.
* [[Laura Bailey]]
* {{spoiler|[[Ret -Gone]]: Possibly her ultimate fate}}.
* [[Social Darwinist]]: Amber would get along very well with [[X Men|Magneto]].
* [[Stepford Smiler]]
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* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: Against Contractors.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Smug Snake]]
* {{spoiler|[[You Have Failed Me]]: Courtesy of the Director}}.
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* [[Required Secondary Powers]]: Never gets faint from blood loss, no matter how much he fights.
* [[Slasher Smile]] / [[Psychotic Smirk]]: Often has either of those.
* [[Two -Faced]]: After being electrocuted by Hei.
* [[The Triads and The Tongs]]
* [[Worthy Opponent]]: Considers Hei to be this.
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* [[Loony Fan]]: Towards "Li"
* [[Meta Guy|Meta Girl]]: sometimes
* [[Non Standard Character Design]]: She generally uses a lot of standard anime effects that the rest of the series ditches in favor of a more realistic style, and even gets [[Super -Deformed]] a few times.
* [[Plucky Comic Relief]]: Hilariously lampshaded in the second season.
* [[Smitten Teenage Girl]]
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* [[The Atoner]]
* [[The Butcher]]: Was the Contractor with the single largest body count.
* [[De -Power]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dies Wide Open]]: Hei shuts them before going to confront the people who killed her.}}
* [[Eats Babies]]: Her Renumeration involved drinking the blood of children.
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* [[Pillar of Light]]: A side-effect of Itzhak's power; {{spoiler|when he dies, all the observation ghosts he's grabbed disperse at once, creating a ''huge'' version.}}
* [[Warrior Poet]]: Literally, in Itzhak's case: his remuneration is writing poetry.
* [[What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?]]: Itzhak has one of the most [[Crippling Overspecialization|specialized]] and useless-in-combat abilities we've seen, which is presumably why he was paired with someone who can kill quietly and almost instantaneously or cause massive structural damage.
== '''Harvest''' ==
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* [[Little Miss Snarker]]: Hei even lampshades it.
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Non -Action Snarker]]: Justified by her powers being more suited for observation and support.
** [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]:{{spoiler|[[Little Miss Badass|And dropping people into oceans]], if necessary.}}
* [[Our Wormholes Are Different]]
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Suou's best friend who becomes a Contractor at the start of the second season
* [[Bee -Bee Gun]]: Her power involves summoning a swarm of insects which she can control with her mind.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]
* [[Evil Costume Switch]]: Quickly exchanges her school clothes for a black military uniform.
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* [[Ax Crazy]]: Played with: While most Contractors can kill without much thought, becoming a Contractor actually made him ''less'' kill-crazy. Also, theoretically, he now kills in the most painless way possible. But, yes, he's still crazy.
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]: Looks like he'd be [[Adorkable]], but is actually a total psychopath who is bad [[Even Evil Has Standards|even by Contractor standards]].
* [[Nightmare Fuel Coloring Book]]: His remuneration.
* [[Serial Killer]]: Prior to becoming a Contractor.