Darker than Black/Season One Spoilers: Difference between revisions

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* [[Dead Star Walking]]: Chiaki seems like she will become a major character and/or love interest for Hei, but not only is she dead by the second episode, she isn't even the real Chiaki.
* [[Dies Wide Open]]: Havock dies with her eyes open, and the final sign that Hei's attitude toward her has changed is that he closes them before going after those responsible.
* [[Dying Moment of Awesome]]: Havoc, ready to die but not to use her power again; Wei, fighting Hei while knowing the outcome and helping him as the last action; Amber, [[Ret -Gone]]-ing herself so that Hei can stop the Syndicate's plan without removing Japan from the map; and several [[Taking You With Me]] cases: Huang, November 11.
* [[Eleventh -Hour Superpower]]: Hei and Amber in the final episode. The unusual part is that it was already done once.
* [[Engineered Public Confession]]: Kirihara manages to catch Director Horai's [[Motive Rant]] on tape, and the timely arrival of first Hei and then Saito and Kono ensures that he doesn't manage a [[Karma Houdini]].
* [[Evil Counterpart]]: Nick fits in having the same electric power as Hei and a similarly sensitive personality, but also possessing a Contractor's willingness to kill. Wei might also qualify, in that like Hei, he is Chinese, and seems to be the Contractor who most enjoys murder, in contrast to Hei, who is one of the more pacifistic.
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** It's also pretty clear that Mina Swami thought he died in the explosion that ensued when he got the Meteor Shard from Nick.
*** Not to mention in episode 2 when he was shot.
* [[Follow That Car!]]: Played with. April vs. Amber; Maki marked the sidewalk where they were standing and blew it up as soon as April got in a cab to follow them.
* [[Fusion Dance]]: [[Dead Little Sister|Bai]] somehow lives on inside of Hei, granting him her electrical powers without having to pay a remuneration or lose his human emotions.
* [[Gainax Ending]]: Episode 25 bears more than a passing resemblance to the final episode of ''[[Neon Genesis Evangelion]]'' especially the "congratulations" segment.